Welcome to the PKM weekly newsletter. My goal is to round up good resources in the PKM space so you don’t have to. We’re still in the infancy of the newsletter so I’m up for critique if you have it.
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Bigger Ideas
I just found out about Tiago Forte’s book and preordered it. Maybe you should too
Nick Milo has a good video on the value he gets out of the knowledge graph.
Tom MacWright isn’t sold on the graph though.
Robert Heaton has written about his method to remember what he reads. Very similar to what I do, and it will be good fodder for a future course I’m working on about reading well.
Jamie wrote part 13 of going paperless for his notes, this time focusing on daily notes. I highly suggest you go through the other posts in his series as well.
Zettelkasten.de has the second part of using Zettelkasten for fiction.
Found a good list of different tools for thought.
While this is Roam-focused, I liked this discussion on the benefits of core functionality vs plugins to enhance software experience. Certainly applies to other platforms and their philosophies.
If you’ve ever asked why people use citation management software, here is a good discussion on their benefits.
If you’re struggling with basic Zettelkasten principles, this Reddit thread is about explaining the process as if you were a child. I liked the first comment, if you’re not sure which part of a note you should be linking to…the note isn’t atomic.
If you’re a Spanish speaker and would like to read How to Take Smart Notes in Spanish, check this thread out.
The Obsidian forum has a good discussion about what your note system has helped you achieve.
For those of us that use Readwise, you can add more structure to your notes if you know how to tag them. I just learned this and will be using it on the next Kindle book I read. If you don’t use Readwise, here is my link to sign up.
Readwise also has a way to tag your notes as you read on Kindle. I do like that it will learn your shorthand, but I usually end up doing my own double square brackets so the tags show up in Obsidian without further interaction from me.
This one works for both Roam and Obsidian, so if you want a Twitter bot that will tweet random blocks from your notes at you then this is what you’re looking for. Takes a bit of setup so it’s developer-focused, but maybe it’s just what you need.
For NotePlan users, you can now publish your notes online if you want.
If you want help to improve the user onboarding process for RemNote there is a public call for help.
RemNote released a video with some editor tips.
If you’ve been wondering about long-form writing in logseq, here is a pretty complete write-up about what it needs to be able to handle it better.
If you’re wondering about using logseq for Zettelkasten, here is a video walking you through one person’s system.
If you’re a DevOps person Craft is hiring
JelyCraft is here to help you turn your Craft docs into semantic HTML if you want to build your site in Craft.
If you’re wondering if Craft or NotePlan is the best option for your workflow, check this discussion out.
Here is an interesting extension that links Craft and OmniFocus via OmniAutomation.
AwesomeCraft was updated to include more extensions.
According to this Slack thread, Craft is going to get enhanced search in the coming year. I’d love to see AND
operators in search.
I released a video with some tips to Supercharge Obsidian On Your Mobile Device Then another one with 9 Writing Plugins for Obsidian.
For those that subscribe to the AppStories podcast, they go over Obsidian plugins this week.
Obsidian dropped mobile support for Live Preview to Insiders this week. I’ve loved it on desktop, very excited to get this on mobile as well.
Obsidian is up for a Golden Kitty award at Product Hunt so vote for it if you want it to win.
Here is Justin DiRose showing off Live Preview for Obsidian.
Alexander Rink released his benchmark of Obsidian. It’s fast so if you deal with lots of files you’ll be happy using it.
Check this Reddit thread out for how people are using Obsidian.
If you’ve wondered about Co-Citations in the Graph Analysis plugin this presentation goes over how it works. I covered the Graph Analysis plugin when I showed how I make connections in Obsidian.
If you want to set up recurring tasks in Roam watch this video.
RJ Nestor put together a good video on block references in Roam. I think his setup can work in many other note systems.
If you’re interested in a book club then Roam Book Club is coming up again. Everyone gets to work on a shared graph so you get insights from the rest of the group.
Andy Henson wrote Letters from a Roaman – XXXIV this week. I grabbed a few videos to watch while on the indoor trainer about graph thinking. You can sign up here to get the next issue.
Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.