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Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

Super long Twitter conversation about software vs methodology for PKM.

If you’re looking for lots of articles around the theory of PKM systems I had this Github repository pointed out to me. So many resources I need to go through.

Eleanor Konik goes philosophical on us as she questions calling Obsidian, or any note application, a second brain.

Justin DiRose and I had a discussion on notes and ranged into subjects that we learned because of our reading and notes. The interview portion starts about 15 minutes in.

Here is an interesting article about the loss of critical reading as replaced by outrage online.

This is a good video on the process of filtering papers to the most relevant ones to read.

I always like seeing how other people link notes.

In this video, I particularly like the idea of not using the keyboard commands to create a new note. Always use the open command in Obsidian which will show you if you have already used a note title.

Thord writes about using mindmap applications in his Switch to iPad newsletter.

Do you mindmap for book notes? Here is how Mike does it.

Take a look at the system Morgan uses as a Ph.D. candidate.

Jeffery looks at literature notes vs permanent notes and also shares his information consumption routine.

Tiago Forte and Thomas Frank talk about Notion as your second brain.


While Apple Notes is fairly basic Peter showed me a few things I didn’t know about it.

Notion improved its text selection.

Voiceliner may help with capture if you think better when you talk.

If you want to get logseq and Obsidian playing nicely together here is a walk-through.

DEVONthink 3.8.1 came out with some improvements for cross-linking and you can now download linked markdown images in documents then have their references updated.


Forum user wo4wangle is looking for some help with saved searches in Remnote.

You can now embed and watch videos in Remnote and take time-stamped notes with HTML Player.

Remnote was called out for its lack of support for Asian languages and input methods.


New logseq plugin came out this week that lets you insert the creation date of a block.

Forum user Rab412 is looking for some help with task queries that have a bunch of joins in them.

Some people were having issues with speed in logseq and then had some trouble importing into Roam.


I took a look at the Todoist and Craft plugin. Decent, but API limitations do make the experience not as good as I’d like.

This is an interesting feature request for those that operate in different languages. ConfusedAnt wants to be able to change languages based on documents.

Someone posted a nice dashboard in Craft.

If you want to export your Daily Notes in Craft you actually have to export everything and then delete the stuff you don’t want.

Some users are finding Craft’s writing experience a bit clunky.


AppStories did a great review of the Obsidian plugins they are using.

Jamie talks about how he finds notes in Episode 16 of his look at Obsidian.

Ben has an excellent video on Templater and then goes into building a base Obsidian vault to get people started.

I covered the Obsidian -> WordPress integration. It’s okay, but I still like publishing with Ulysses more.

Here is a look at someone’s entire Obsidian setup.

Did you know that you can tell Obsidian to intelligently nest your year and month folders in Daily Notes)?

Antone shows us how to clip from the web to Obsidian.

Here is a good primer on how to do math in Dataview.


Alex did a 3 part series on Roam’s new end-to-end encryption. Part 1 talks about how Roam is set up and why encryption is needed. Part 2 covers how the encryption seems to be set up after some sleuthing backed by technical knowledge. Part 3 looks at the speed impacts of encryption. His conclusion is that the speed impact is acceptable given the encryption used, to me 15 seconds to view a video vs 0.7 seconds seems like a huge amount of time to trade-off.

DQuarter22 is having issues getting coloured titles in notes.

Do you know how to query Roam pages based on word count?

The last few weeks we’ve seen people annoyed at the lack of progress in Roam, but here is a nice thread on Reddit praising the recent updates.

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.