Welcome to the PKM weekly newsletter. My goal is to round up good resources in the PKM space so you don’t have to.

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Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

Eleanor has a great post about file naming and it’s importance to your system.

Santi shares some mistakes that stop you from enjoying reading. The comparison trap is a big one.

Rachel shares her system to take notes on books.

Do you reread books? Jamie talks about why he does.

Bryan walks us through Research Rabbit and Zotero workflows.

Chloe Roberts gives us a tour of her Notion-based PKM system.

Jamie wrote a good post about how to archive notes you really don’t need anymore.

There is an interesting Tools for Thought Rocks! event coming up on February 23.

@bianca_oli_per And @NickMilo are going to be hosting a Twitter space to talk about note-taking.

In theory, the point to all this note-taking and research is to produce something. Here is an article on the process of writing.

Here is a short rundown of the tools a machine learning engineer uses for his note system.

If you’re looking for help with your PKM system then Eleanor is offering 1 on 1 calls.

Are you using PKM to manage your real garden? Go check out the answers here and offer some help.


Here is an interesting talk about Hook. Hook lets you make connections across applications on macOS.

Why do you even use the daily note In RemNote?

RemNote is supporting Connected Paper and the community has noticed the support.


Here is a system to resurface quotes from your notes randomly in logseq.

Here is an excellent guide to logseq queries.

Logseq has updated and improved its documentation.

If you’re into music there is a plugin for music notation in logseq.

How about better universal capture?


I showed off a Craft Extension that lets you import your notes from Readwise.

Is Craft writing way too much data to your HDD?

Which Craft extensions are you using?

If you need RTL support then maybe Craft Web is better?

Why would you choose Craft over other options like Obsidian, Logseq or…..?

Anthony Baker shares his current Craft workflow.


This week Obsidian mobile added support for Live Preview…which is awesome. Update if you use Obsidian on your mobile devices. It also seems to have brought along a bunch of the plugins that didn’t work properly on mobile.

Things link looks like a cool plugin for those that use Things as their task manager.

Here is a workflow with Obsidian and Zotero for Academic Research.

Why this product manager left Notion for Obsidian.

Here is a long tutorial on how to display images side by side in Obsidian.

Eleanor has a good reflection on her position in the Obsidian Community. We absolutely need these people who “glue” the community together but they often go unnoticed and thus end up doing the work on the side. I already support Eleanor’s roundup and you should too. Find the link at the bottom of the post above.

GTD and Obsidian? Check this thread out.


If you use an Oura ring there is a plugin to bring that data into Roam.

Looks like someone lost some data in Roam.

And some others are having issues accessing their Roam data in a reliable way.

Some ideas to collapse all blocks on a page at once.

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.