Welcome to the PKM weekly newsletter. My goal is to round up good resources in the PKM space so you don’t have to.
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Bigger Ideas
Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.
Ali Abdaal did an interview with Tiago Forte about Ali’s full Second Brain System. He also interviewed Tiago.
Jamie is using composition books to help get past writer’s block.
Shu shows us what Bionic Reading is. I find it interesting but I’ve never found it useful for me.
The first draft is the hard part, editing is easy.
Scott talks about making mistakes in an analogue Zettelkasten system.
The Bookworm Podcast took a look at Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte.
Good interview with Scott and Dan about making notes.
Maybe you should do GTD in your PKM system.
Here is a call for examples of people creating things with their notes. It does seem like we focus on taking notes, and not on those that produce something with their notes.
Some discussion on taking notes “faster” when reading.
Brad walked through his optimal note taking framework. Lots of Obsidian content, but many other applications are covered too.
I too embrace the bottleneck of handwriting. For a long time, I took my notes by hand because if it was too much effort to write them down then they didn’t have enough value to be bothered with.
Why your notes need hierarchy.
Something Interesting
Because we’re all lookin to expand our minds a bit.
iPadOS 16 Public beta is out, and I’m very excited about it. If you’re wondering what it’s all about check out this video from Christopher Lawley and this article from Federico Viticci. I think the iPad is now the modular computer I’ve wanted for so long.
I enjoyed this discussion, and critique, of the issues with productivity.
This is a reasonably technical discussion on the state of solar energy.
CJ Chilvers talks about the importance of consumption so that you can create.
This was an interesting article on “making it”. We measure that elusive end with a ruler that always changes under our feet.
Scotty shared his Rapid Logging Shortcut for the Agenda app.
What you should look at if you want to highlight in markdown files.
Hook turned 3 this week. While I don’t use it, I can see why people would want to link together stuff between different applications across their macOS system. I use iPadOS so much for reading and research that I can’t justify investing in a system that’s only on my desktop platform.
How to use Weekly Notes in NotePlan.
So it’s been a rough week for RemNote. The team acknowledges this but users are still angry. This type of data issue could certainly sink an application because if you can’t trust it all the time, you can never trust it. Hope all the developers working on these issues get some time off.
Readwise now has official integration with logseq.
How to manage projects in logseq.
Using Unsplash in your Craft documents.
Grab the latest version of Craft weekly here.
Craft, Notion or both? In this context, it’s an educator who wants to use Craft but can’t make all their students purchase it.
Introduction to Obsidian Kanban.
For Chinese ebook readers, there is now the Weread plugin to integrate highlights directly into Obsidian.
Is Obsidian’s UI its weakest link? Coming from a programming background, I think it’s fine. But I’m used to Vim and code editors. I could see my wife not loving it.
Using Obsidian to share knowledge in an infosec team. This is a very detailed look at how they handle a shared vault, personal notes, and syncing with Git.
Some examples of using Tags as status. I talked about how I do tags in my Tagnotes video.
Can you trust Obsidian sync? The most secure way is to roll something on your own, which is also the most labour-intensive method. Most people don’t have notes that need any more security than Sync offers. At some point, you have to trust someone running servers somewhere or you’re going to have to build your own server farm at home. Then you still have to trust all the chips in the servers.
You can share files to Notion with this extension.
Nicole shows us how to use popout windows. This lets you open your vault in multiple windows. I’d love to see multi-window support for iPadOS, but that’s not what we have currently.
The Roam Depot is coming and it should help you find and install extensions. If you have a Roam Extension then you’ll need to submit it.
There is a full interview with Connor on YouTube.
You’ll need to make some changes to your extensions for Roam Depot.
Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.