No members specific content today. I’m traveling with my daughter (she was invited to a skating development camp). Turns out I don’t have time to write specifically this week.

Course Supporter members should start looking forward to a revamp Obsidian course I’ve started. If you’ve got tips for what you’d like in it, leave it in a comment below or reply to the email you got.

Have an awesome day.

One response to “I’m Traveling”

  1. Courtney Robertson Avatar

    I use a combo of PARA & Zettlekasten in my structure. I am slowly getting myself to follow How to Read a Book for actually engaging more with what I am learning. (I’d love for this book to get a more modern revision for tone of voice)

    I am weak in the part of actually taking my own notes in my own words and connecting my thinking/notes, which I would do within Obsidian.

    I also am weak with YAML frontmatter.

    Also, I want to do a lot more with dataview and templates.

    I do not yet use Canvas or Bookmarks (new features) in my workflows.

    I am curious about folks who take sketchnotes with Excalidraw or any other means of notetaking during conferences, videos, etc.

    I am using Readwise and Snipd to integrate my other sources of consuming information. Snipd is great, but going through Readwise omits some features. However, manually export/importing ends up with one big file I need to work to divide into many notes.