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Bigger Ideas

Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.

An argument for why Markdown is superior. (web)

What is your favourite RSS reader? (web) I use Unread on iPadOS and Readkit on macOS. Linux…haven’t been able to find a decent one so I just stick with the Feedbin web experience.

Learn your research field faster with Inciteful. (youtube)

Using Zotero to take notes while watching a video. (youtube)

3 ways to find connections with your notes. (youtube)

Skoobs on writing things down. (web) I do agree that there is something more permanent in memory when you write with paper and pen/pencil.

Santi on why he uses AI for book notes. (youtube) Yes AI can be a tool, but I think that most people are looking at tools to save them doing any hard work. Most people I coach aren’t doing the work of taking notes, but they’re looking for a magic tool/system that will make it easy. Thinking is hard. Making good notes is hard. Don’t fool yourself into thinking anything different.

Zsolt talks about 4D Visual Thinking. (youtube) This is a bit more Obsidian focused because it leverages his plugins for Obsidian, but it’s also a concept you can think about adding to your systems.

How Thomas Frank takes book notes. (youtube)

RJ Nestor on high-speed capture. (web) Because you need to capture something when you’re interrupted or you’ll forget where you were.

Greg goes over the CODE method from Building a Second Brain. (youtube)

Matt Gemmel has a podcast about writing. This week he did an episode about editing. (web/podcast)

How to take effective notes while reading. (youtube) I like point 2, have a question in mind that you want answered by your reading.

Something Interesting

Because we’re all lookin to expand our minds a bit.

Autoenshittification. (web)

Bisexuality is freedom. (web)


Using Focus Modes with DEVONthink. (web)

What are the new features in Apple Notes and Reminders in iOS 17. (youtube)

Shu shares some love for Anytype. (youtube)

Clayton gives some love to Heptabase. (medium)

Bryan takes a look at Scrintal. (youtube)

Effective idea management in ClickUp 3.0. (youtube)


How to use the logseq Agenda plugin. (youtube)


How to break up with Evernote and move in with Obsidian. (youtube)

Trevor shares his Obsidian setup with Minimal Theme. (web)

Tufte style notes in Obsidian. (medium/free)

Track anything in Obsidian with these awesome charts. (web)

Can you set Obsidian as the default app when you open .md files? (web) Nope, because it could create issues when you’re accessing stuff outside your vault.

Using Readwise and Readwise Reader with Obsidian. (youtube)

Dan talks about his thoughts on the Obsidian Graph View. (newsletter)

Here is a 2 hour tutorial on using Obsidian. (youtube)

I did a video on my top tool for making note connections. (video/web)

Taking Cornell notes in Obsidian. (youtube)

Taking notes on podcasts with Snipd, Readwise and Obsidian. (youtube)

Here are all the Obsidian Core plugins that Nicole uses. (youtube)

Obsidian added properties in v1.4 which is available for insiders. A few people took a look at this new feature. I usually don’t run Insider builds, but this is tempting me. It makes yaml much more accessible for those that aren’t programmers.

Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.