Genres: Success
Atomic Habits – James Clear
This is my second read through Atomic Habits (my original review) and I didn’t come into it thinking it would be all that great. I expected that all these years later I’d look at it like many productivity books I read, simplistic and missing so much context for anyone that wasn’t a white dude. I’m…
So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Cal Newport
This is Cal Newport’s investigation of what it takes to be so good at your job, that you can’t be ignored. Unlike many online personalities, he doesn’t tell you to follow your passion, in fact he feels it leads to a life of disappointment as you continue to fail to find the “right” career and…
Never Enough – Jennifer Breheny Wallace
In Never Enough we take a look at how the achievement culture that is prevalent in society today is harming children as they are pushed to compete more, achieve more, all in a quest to get into the “best” education so they can be “set for life”. Wallace analyses how this focus on achievement harms…
Barking Up The Wrong Tree – Eric Barker
Eric Barker is going to be the new guru that saves us from all the other gurus that purport to know how to achieve success, by turning to science to tell us what matters in our quest for success. Yes it matters more if your boss likes you than if you are good at your…
The Third Door – Alex Banayan
The author supposes that there is a third door you should be taking to success after the main door, and the secondary door fail. Ultimately, this is advice for rich kids that can take as many attempts at success at it takes because they always have money or family support to fall back on. I…