Category: Apps

  • Adding to Favourites in Files iOS

    Adding to Favourites in Files iOS


    Being iOS first in my workflow means that I’m in the Files App regularly. Like multiple times a day. After 6 months of using Files I realized that I hadn’t ever used the favorites section in Files. Adding Folders to Files Favorites The first thing I wanted to do was add a location, like iCloud,…

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  • @macsparky does a screencast on Drafts


    Came across this while doing some research for a client writing project. If you’re not sure what do to with Drafts, give David’s short screencast a look so you can get more familiar with what drafts is and how you could use it. I use Drafts as a text inbox on iOS. I’ll empty it…

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  • Shawn Blanc’s iPad Photo Workflow


    As much as I am now iPad first, I haven’t got a great iPad photo workflow, which sucks because I do love shooting with my Conan 60D. Well over at The Sweet Setup, Shawn, walks us through the simple photo workflow he used when traveling for a month with just his iPad. I’ll be grabbing…

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  • Building an Ergonomic iPad Work Station

    Building an Ergonomic iPad Work Station


    Almost a year ago now, I decided that all new work I was going to do needed to be done from my iPad. I was disappointed with the state of Apple hardware1 when it came to macOS products and loved my iPad Pro already. The biggest problem with the iPad as my main work machine…

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