Category: Apps

  • Use Your Mac without a Mouse with Homerow

    Use Your Mac without a Mouse with Homerow


    Previously I’ve shown off VimiumC as a way to navigate content inside your web browser without needing to take your hands off the keyboard to reach for your mouse, but now I’ve found a tool for macOS that lets you do the same thing for the entire operating system called Homerow. Homerow costs $29/year for…

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  • Ultimate Keyboard Control Task Management – nvim OrgMode

    Ultimate Keyboard Control Task Management – nvim OrgMode


    I’m sure someone is going to try and blast me for talking about OrgMode and then using Vim in the same sentence, because OrgMode is an Emacs thing not a Vim thing and the divide between users of the editors often seems like a holy war. As I said in my article on my issues…

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  • Manipulating Images from the Terminal

    Manipulating Images from the Terminal


    With my switch to Fedora as my main working operating system I needed to change how I process images for this site. I want images to be small, but still a good enough quality to see. On macOS I used Permute via SetApp to batch process images, but Permute is not available on Linux. So…

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  • Issues with TickTick

    Issues with TickTick


    Since I work across macOS, Linux and iOS I need to use a task manager that supports all of those environments well which is why I’ve been using TickTick for a while. Most of it’s features are supported on every platform, and overall the function of the application is nice, but that doesn’t mean it’s…

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  • Install Espanso on Fedora with Wayland

    Install Espanso on Fedora with Wayland


    I’ve been using Espanso on macOS for a while now, but haven’t had the chance to git into it on Fedora yet because there wasn’t a one click way to install it. Today we’re going to go over the Fedora install instructions from the Espanso site. This was my first time compiling a piece of…

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  • Cross Platform Snippet Management with Espanso

    Cross Platform Snippet Management with Espanso


    Since I added Linux to my operating system workflow I am no longer able to have all my text snippets, including code, only available on macOS. I need a cross-platform snippet tool and today we’re going to look at Espanso which is my current option for a cross-platform snippet manager. Installing Espanso On macOS, you…

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  • In Depth Look at

    In Depth Look at


    This is a sponsored review. That means Reflect paid me to do it and provided a free account for the review. They didn’t get to see/approve any part of this before it was published. Today we’re going to take a deep dive into, a note-taking tool focused on your Daily Notes. If you want…

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  • Cross-platform offline documentation


    For years I’ve relied on Dash to provide offline documentation for coding projects. Unfortunately, the excellent Dash app is not available cross-platform which means I’ve started using Zeal for offline access to coding documentation. Add Docs to Zeal To add documentation to Zeal click the button provided when you open the application. Then search through…

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  • Cider – A Comprehensive Apple Music Client for Linux Windows and macOS

    Cider – A Comprehensive Apple Music Client for Linux Windows and macOS


    Most of the devices in my house are Apple which means I pay for Apple One for the whole family to listen to music, play games, and have adequate storage for devices1. But with moving to Fedora Linux on one of my computers to work I no longer have access to Apple’s first party Music…

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  • My Favourite Apps of 2022

    My Favourite Apps of 2022


    We’re into 2023 now so I can take a look back at what apps worked for me in 2022. I try out lots of stuff, and make videos on many things I like, but that doesn’t mean everything sticks. Today’s list is what has stuck for 2022 and I’ll be using in 2023 on macOS.…

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