Category: Freelance Friday
Divorce and the Dream Job – Friday Notes 121
We’re all looking for our “dream job”. That job where we get to do interesting work that people see value in. One where we can throw ourselves deep into the work and enjoy the challenge that it presents us daily. One where we find a state of flow during challenges. Many of us are searching…
Scope Creep by Stealth – Friday Notes 120
One insidious way that your time and attention gets stolen is scope creep by stealth. It starts with agreeing to a call to talk about something you’re interested in. Then they ask for a headshot and bio from you since they’ll be publishing the talk. Next they want to have a pre-call, which is likely…
Due or Do – Friday Notes 119
In my recent video where I recommended my top five task managers one of the YouTube commenters made an excellent point about the difference between a task that is **due** and what I plan to **do** in a day. We often treat these things as the same, when they’re totally different things. A great example…
More Rules for the Lazy – Friday Notes 118
Last week I talked about some of my new rules so that I didn’t fall into it inferior good activities regularly, well I’ve got a few other rules that I operate by as well that help keep my life calmer than most. ## Email Rules One of the terrible ideas that we easily fall into…
The Inferior Good of Entertainment – Friday Notes 117
In The War on Normal People I came across an interesting idea called inferior good. Evidently it’s an economic term for “good” things where demand decreases as you earn more. So the less you earn the more you invest in terms of time/money in this thing. This is often video games, TV watching, YouTube…People with…
Time Block Leisure? – Friday Notes 116
> Ironically, jobs are actually easier to enjoy than free time, because like flow activities they have built-in goals, feedback rules, and challenges, all of which encourage one to become involved in one’s work, to concentrate and lose oneself in it. Free time, on the other hand, is unstructured, and requires much greater effort to…
How Cool Changes – Friday Notes 115
On the first day of school, my oldest child had a book report ready to go for her teacher. She used her iPad and typed it up. It has a cover page with a rating and it’s in a nice folder she spent her own money on. My first thought when she was showing it…
If a Rewarding Career is Full of Flow…Friday Notes 114
Earlier this week, Matt Birchler, [wrote about wanting a “focus mode” in Slack]( The idea here is that instead of a notification every time something happens, you get a bundle of notifications every 10 minutes. In theory, 30 minutes is too long and things will catch on fire and babies will die. While I didn’t…
Surround Yourself with People – Friday Notes 113
> We have a very powerful myth in our culture, the myth of the self-made man or woman. But let’s be honest. There’s no such thing. Success requires help — and usually lots of it. It’s impossible to discount the influence of our social circle. – [Your Best Year Ever]( The hardest part of COVID…
Your Habit Should Be to Work – Friday Notes 112
> …when your habit is to work steadily, a day when you fall behind isn’t fatal – [Rest]( I get told all the time that people have no idea how I write for a bunch of other sites and then publish books and coach and do client development work. There is no secret. I get…