Category: Links of Interest
The 18 Month Old Terror that Runs Your Business
Taking care of an active 18 month old is often an exercise in stopping them from executing their latest plan for self harm. This means many things get started. A few things get finished in a hurry and almost nothing gets finished well. Don’t let that be your business.
Don’t lie to yourself
When you get advice and say you’re going to take it, your really just setting yourself up for failure. Start being honest, even if it’s to say you’re not going to take the advice.
Take the time you need when you’re ‘cooked’
Before you’re burnt out you get ‘cooked’. That’s the point you need to start saying no more. You need to carve out the time you need to get recharged so that you can keep going for decades.
Have a solution to the problem
When you have a problem, don’t just push the problem along. Come up with 3 solutions.
Don’t hold on to the idea just because you had it
Yes we do this all the time, but that doesn’t mean we always have the best ideas. Listen to your clients and hold your ideas with an open hand. Be willing to change in the face of a good idea.
Oh the thinks you can do
Stop just thinking about the business you want, and take some action to get to the business you want. Way to many freelancers just stop dreaming about success and never execute then complain about not being successful.
Marketing isn’t sleazy
Don’t expect to get good clients doing the work you want to do if you’re not spending time telling people what you do.
Nothing will be gained by fighting
Sure you could argue about being called names by your client, but is it actually going to change their mind? Are you ever going to see them again? Don’t waste your time fighting with them, just be polite and move on.
What if you have a bad manager
The only thing you can actually take care of is yourself. Give your manager weekly email updates on what you’re doing and expected deliverables. Build out a training manual and give it to your manager so they can have it for the next person joining the team.
Are you living your dream?
When you were a kid you had all kinds of dreams for what your future was going to be like. Even as a teenager or young adult you had these dreams. Then ‘reality’ beat them out of you. That’s not how it has to be though. When you were younger you figured that it would…