Category: Links of Interest
So much has to go right to succeed
Going freelance is not ‘the’ answer for everyone. All your dreams of sitting in a coffee shop daily working on only things you love are just that…dreams. Running a business takes a bunch of work outside of working on things you love and even finding those clients you love is hard.
On After Action Reviews
Are you actually sitting down for both good and bad projects and recapping what happened? How about doing it with the client as well? If not you need to be doing that.
On Productivity Tools
First off don’t think that some ‘new tool’ is going to solve the problem you’re having with productivity. You can use any tool poorly or you can keep doing the same old unproductive things in a new tool you did with an old tool. Second, don’t mistake productivity for effectiveness. We want to be effective,…
How you run your business shows your character
Running a business tests your character in very hard ways. It deals with livelihoods and money which seems to bring out the worst in people. You’re going to get asked about competitors and a sure fire way to show your customer how poor your character is is to talk poorly about your competition. There are…
Don’t just focus on your rights
Way to many of us service professionals get all wrapped up in what we deserve. How we should be treated. What we should be paid. What type of treatment does the client deserve though? Are you so wrapped up in what you deserve you don’t even bother to think about what your clients deserve.
On Negativity
What you surround yourself with is going to influence you. Careful what you surround yourself with.
Don’t let the poison of gossip in
One thing that can kill your organization and your client relationships quick is letting gossip go in your organization. It’s poison and should be cut out as fast as possible.
We specialize to serve our customers well
We are not everything to everyone, we are specialists and can serve our clients best by sticking with the work we do best.
We Evaluate based on the Investment
We will invest in learning, in our tools, and in the tools of those we employ. We will weigh investments based on the returns we will get, not just on the dollar value they cost.
On working overtime and freelance
Most of the time the reason you’re pulling and all-nighter is that you didn’t plan well in the first place. You said YES when you should have said NO to the project.