Category: Open Source

  • Ultimate Keyboard Control Task Management – nvim OrgMode

    Ultimate Keyboard Control Task Management – nvim OrgMode


    I’m sure someone is going to try and blast me for talking about OrgMode and then using Vim in the same sentence, because OrgMode is an Emacs thing not a Vim thing and the divide between users of the editors often seems like a holy war. As I said in my article on my issues…

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  • Manipulating Images from the Terminal

    Manipulating Images from the Terminal


    With my switch to Fedora as my main working operating system I needed to change how I process images for this site. I want images to be small, but still a good enough quality to see. On macOS I used Permute via SetApp to batch process images, but Permute is not available on Linux. So…

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  • Install Espanso on Fedora with Wayland

    Install Espanso on Fedora with Wayland


    I’ve been using Espanso on macOS for a while now, but haven’t had the chance to git into it on Fedora yet because there wasn’t a one click way to install it. Today we’re going to go over the Fedora install instructions from the Espanso site. This was my first time compiling a piece of…

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  • Add some Vim to your Browser

    Add some Vim to your Browser


    I’ve made no secret that I’m a Vim user. I use it as my IDE and text editor and I’ve loved Vim key-bindings ever since I first figured out what they were. In general, I want to be able to operate my computer without touching the mouse. This is where Vimium C comes in, because…

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  • Centering A Single Buffer in NeoVim

    Centering A Single Buffer in NeoVim


    When you’re working on a single buffer on a widescreen monitor you end up looking far to the left which over the course of the day can result in some neck pain. Previously my solution was to split NeoVim and work on the right buffer via the :vsplit command. But recently I found Centerpad.nvim which…

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  • Replacing Downie on Linux

    Replacing Downie on Linux


    One of the tools I need to replace as I live on Fedora instead of macOS is Downie, which is used to download videos from YouTube, or other sources. My biggest use of Downie is to download videos of my kids figure skating. My wife is a coach and I often spend competitions at home…

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  • Add Synology Share to NixOS

    Add Synology Share to NixOS


    While it’s not all that hard to do, it did take me a bit of digging to figure out how to add my Synology to nixOS. The first thing that tripped me up was a simply mind trick where I didn’t really clue into the fact that I was looking to add a Samba share…

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