60% or 40% keyboards?
I have the Anne Pro 2 60% that he has and I’ve looked at the Plank which he’s showing off. I’m at least thinking about a 40% or the [Moonlander](https://www.zsa.io/moonlander/). Yup, very different keyboards an I could see getting both eventually but they’re expensive. I do love the “tap” arrow keys and rarely find they…
Shortcuts Catalog by Matthew Cassinelli
If you’ve been looking for a single spot with lots of Shortcuts from one of the masters of Shortcuts, you’ll be happy to know that Matthew prevailed through is WordPrees woes and got his [Shortcuts Catalog](https://www.matthewcassinelli.com/shortcuts-catalog-ios-14/) up and running. Take a trip over there and see all the cool stuff he’s built.
Keep It Quick Look – Best iPad Note App?
[Keep It](https://reinventedsoftware.com/keepit/ios/) by Reinvented Software is a great iPadOS/iOS and macOS note taking application. One of it’s excellent features is that it’s a native app on all platforms and they have feature parity. If you’re looking for a research app on your iPad, this is an excellent choice.
Ben Vallack – Ortholinear vs Staggered Keyboards
If you’ve ever wondered about staggered vs ortholinear keyboards, this is a good video. The Moonlander I want is not staggered and I’m even more eager to try it now.
Chris Lawley’s Tips for Using Drafts
Chris Lawley has a good short walkthrough to show you some of the power that Drafts has. I took some of his suggestions and an [action to help change workspaces faster](https://actions.getdrafts.com/g/1HZ) and I’ll be using Drafts for the next number of weeks to see if it’s better than iA Writer. I already have to drop…
Exporting vCards from your iPad
While iOS makes it easy to share your contact information with other iOS users, it doesn’t make it easy to export a universal format that you can send to anyone regardless of the device they’ll receive your contact information on. Today we’ll look at a way to export a vCard from your iOS device without…
I think this is my next keyboard – Moonlander
It’s expensive, but I’ve always loved ergonomic keyboards and this one looks excellent.
Part 3 of Chris Lawley’s iPad Workflow
Every time I see Chris talk about Drafts I think I shoud use it, but then I use it and it feels like too much friction. Specifically the “folders” as workspaces pradigm doesn’t fit with my mindset on storing documents. Maybe I just need to commit to Drafts and dig in deep to grok it.
The Focus of Famous People is Merely Aspirational
[Cal Newport](https://www.calnewport.com/blog/2020/09/11/michael-connelly-starts-writing-before-the-sun-comes-up/) on Michael Connelly’s writing practice: > For the rest of us, drowning in our inboxes and Zoom invites, this should be more than a source of aspirational escape. It represents a reminder that getting the most out of the messy jumble of neurons known as the human brain requires sacrifices. To instead orient…
Clickup Quick Look and First Impressions
In my video on my ideal timeblocking project management system a bunch of people recommended ClickUp. Today I’m going to take a look at the application for the first time. All I’ve done is create my account and watched some videos on what others are doing with ClickUp. [Try ClickUp](https://curtismchale.ca/clickup)