Privacy Recommendations From Tom
If you’re interested in decreasing the footprint of data Google has on you then [Tom has a bunch of privacy recommendations](
Don’t Take Lame Photos of Your Running Shoes
[Taking good photos of your shoes with your iPhone and Apple Watch]( Yeah instead of that nice shot I got this [lame top down shot]( of my new Altra shoes.
Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Home – Book Review
> Rather than each spouse seeking their own gratification, he and she should focus more on how to meet their mate’s needs and desires. With that Ron Price sets the tone for Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Home. The book is structured around his PLAY NICE acronym – **P**lay Together – **L**ook for the…
Amazon Fails and Supporting Local Stores – Friday Notes 098
[As I read Justin Jackson’s recent post about bringing back Main Street first](, I could hear and feel the pain he’s feeling. I was even the catalyst for a (, as I linked to Amazon for a book first. The funny thing is, I don’t even mainly purchase books through Amazon anymore. I almost always…
April Kid Book Recommendations
Well the kids are home so I decided to get them to recommend some books that they like so that maybe your kids could find another book to enjoy. ## Recommendations – The Princess and the Pig: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon]( | [Book Depository]( – Mermaids to the Rescue – Nixie Makes Waves: [Independent Publisher](…
$99 iPad Keyboard With Trackpad
So Apple came out with a [Smart Keyboard with a trackpad](, and we know that [Brydge has one coming already]( My big question is, does the trackpad really work well with iPadOS? Is the premium price of the Apple keyboard at $449 CDN or the Brydge keyboard at $300 CDN truly going to provide $200…
The Taxpayer, Third Expedition – SFS 003
Today’s edition of Science Fiction Saturday is going to cover two stories from The Martian Chronicles. 1. The Taxpayer 2. Third Expedition
Friday Notes 097 – April 3 2020
Recently, Justin Tadlock, [wrote an excellent post about the little things he’s been missing while practicing social distancing]( Yes many of us WFH people had little change. My kids were going to be home the first two weeks anyway with spring break. My days are spent largely in my office typing away, much as they…
March Reading Recap and TBR
### In the Plex Eh, fairly dry reporting of the events that happened to the company Google. Nothing much revolutionary or revealing about the motivations of the company from my perspective. Though I may be to far into technology to recognize what isn’t common knowledge about the people at Google and what makes it what…
Best iOS App to Track Your Library
If you’re a reader like I am, you’re going to build a fairly extensive library of books that need to be tracked. Well they don’t need to be I guess, but I like to track them because I otherwise purchase multiple copies of the same books and that sucks. Today we’re going to look at…