Why Do We Assume It Has to Be Crazy at Work?
The title of this post is the central question that Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hanson are trying to answer in their book It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work. Here is the two primary reasons they think that work has gotten so crazy. There are two primary reasons: (1) The workday is being…
Scott on Why Products Fail
Great post from Scott on his new product blog. I particularly liked these parts. We only hear about the successes, and the founders make up some narrative about why they made it that is full of survivorship bias. Reading about why Facebook succeeded is not that helpful to someone starting out today. Almost all of…
Getting Started with Statamic: Installing and Deployment Strategies
As I’ve started to dig into Statamic one of the first things I want to tackle is having a solid workflow and deployment strategy and unfortunately I’m finding a bunch of dead links to posts from developers from 2015 that haven’t kept their domains up[1]. While the the forum has a bunch of answers I’m…
Best Long Term Research App
If you’ve been wondering I spent like 30 hours digging through apps and deciding which one was the best and under what situations it was the best. Well you can read all about the best Evernote replacement on The Sweet Setup.
Most of My Notebooks
Jamie shared a photo of his notebooks so here are the two images of mine that make up the backlog of older notebooks. One day I’m looking forward to the stacks that Austin Kleon has. You may wonder why. A few months back Jason and I were talking about notebooks and he was fascinated by…
Extra Complexity Everywhere
I’m very much looking forward to the rest of what Jamie will write about…writing. Today’s start is a good rumination on writing getting so much more complex. I’m going through some issues around this right now as well as I try to get out of software lock-in so that I can have as open a…
School Start Times Say We Don’t Care about Kid’s Education
I heard this first in When, but here is another article talking about how we have early start school times and they’re not the best for kid’s learning. American teenagers are chronically sleep-deprived. As children enter puberty, physiological changes delay the onset of sleep and make it more difficult to wake up early in the…
Dan Lyons Looks at How Silicon Valley Makes Us Lab Rats
While “hustle porn” is on the way out as something that most people idolize, it’s at least worth wondering why we had some obsession with it anyway. This is where Dan Lyons comes in, specifically with a look at how Silicon Valley has been using workers as Lab Rats to change the way we work,…
Brydge Keyboard for 12.9” iPad Pro
Like Frederico Viticci of MacStories, every time I have posted an image of testing my iPad Pro with the Brydge keyboard I’ve had some comment about a laptop. I agree with Viticci’s response: why turn an iPad into a laptop when Apple makes actual laptops designed for this purpose? And I have an obvious answer…
I Only Work Part-Time
Like the author, I really only work part-time though I’ve managed to figure out how to earn a full-time income on maybe more than 30 hours a week. The reason a lot of people work full-time – though they’d rather not – is obvious: part-time jobs as they exist today are often pretty crappy, low-paid,…