Your Natural Level of Productivity
Everyone has a natural level of productivity. It will vary from person to person, but everyone has a limited amount of physical, mental, and creative energy. Every hour of work costs energy. – Extreme Programming I have a coaching client that just took his first weekend off in, he couldn’t remember how long. He’s been…
Freelance Saturday 004 – April 28 2018
The ‘Coffee Shop Effect’: Why Changing Your Location Boosts Your Productivity I hit the coffee shop a few times a week and it’s always some of my most productive time of the day. I’m starting a new book and one part will deal with how you build a place that allows you to do good…
Can You Make Good Decisions When Things Are Tough?
The greats you look up to are just like you. They made hard decisions in the midst of odds that others faced. They kept going when it was hard. That’s what you must do “No,” Merridy continued, her face looking thoughtful, “I think he was probably not much different than us. He was a hero,…
Should You Read It 006 – Great at Work by Morten Hansen
In episode 6 we’re going to talk about Great at Work by Morten Hansen. Great at Work is all about standing out in your occupation. It’s about doing work that it significant. We all want to matter in what we do, and Great at Work is going to try and help you do work that…
It Takes 7 Practices To Be Great At Work
In episode 6 we’re going to talk about Great at Work by Morten Hansen. Great at Work is all about standing out in your occupation. It’s about doing work that it significant. We all want to matter in what we do, and Great at Work is going to try and help you do work that…
You’re Suffering in Silence Because of Your Pride
Successful businesses are profitable organizations charging for products or services. They have certain expenses – payroll, tools, hardware, probably an office space or a warehouse – you name it. In order to break even and start growing, they need to ensure that there are viable and profitable business opportunities. In other words, someone has to…
Should You Read it 005 – The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath
Today we’re looking at The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath. The Heath’s take a look at how we can leverage the moments in life to maximize their utility. The don’t stop there, they give us a number of tools we can use to design moments that matter for those we lead. Purchase…
Tall Poppies Provide Value, It’s Time To Be One
Here’s a baseline fact about selling: People buy from people they like. You will never have the opportunity to pitch your products or services if you’re not first authentically connecting to your potential client. – From Frustrated To Frickin Awesome Do you know who your audience is? Are you speaking to them? A few months…
Making Decisions the Extreme Programming Way
One of the key thoughts if you want to implement extreme programming is that there are two types of decisions. First, you have business decisions. What features are most needed? What brings the highest value to the business? Second, we have technical decisions. How are the features implemented in the project? Each of these decisions…
Freelance Saturday Volume 3 April 21 2018
Welcome to another weekly edition of Freelance Saturday. Here is some solid reading and listening you can do in the next week to help make your business even more awesome. If you have article ideas, hit reply with a link and I’ll check them out. 210: 8 Steps to Launching Your Own Mastermind Group —…