• Mark Schinnerer and The Success Grower

    Mark Schinnerer and The Success Grower


    Today I talk to Mark Schinnerer about his book The Success Grower. I read the book the week it came out, and I very much enjoyed the content. The 8 Elements might be something you’ve heard before, but the way Mark threads story through the book, sets it apart from the standard ‘business’ or ‘self-help’…

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  • How to Craft a Better To-Do List over at Bullet Journal


    A well-crafted to-do list acts as a guiding light for your day. It helps you overcome that feeling of overwhelm and the anxiety of wether or not you’re being productive throughout the day. – How to Craft a Better To-Do List The highlights are: 1. Have a top “3” tasks Not sure why 3 is…

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  • Before You Can Do It Well, You Must Be Able to Finish


    Chris Bowler writes on quality after quantity. The same thinking can apply to writing. Before you can write a good book, you have to learn to write a good 500 words. And before you can do that, you need to write 500 words consistently, period. And you have to learn to finish a book before…

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  • @jkglei and @askpang talk about the importance of Rest on Hurry Slowly


    Okay Hurry Slowly has continued to be a standout podcast. Jocelyn has amazing guests and talks about exactly what we need to do awesome work without going every hour all day. Listen to Alex Pang on Hurry Slowly If you want Rest in your life you must make it a priority. I read and reviewed…

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  • How is Eating an Ugly Frog the same as getting your work done?

    How is Eating an Ugly Frog the same as getting your work done?


    So, who wants to eat a big ugly frog? Not me, and probably not you. That’s why you should be eating it first thing every morning. Wait, really you should be doing your biggest ugliest task every morning first off because if you don’t it’s probably not going to get done. Well if you need…

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  • Ignore the Algorithm


    It’s a small resolution we’re gonna ask you to make that will help us make better things, for you. It will help us avoid making garbage for you. It’ll give you better things to read. And it’ll definitely give you nothing if not more choice. And the ask is simple: Use your browser bar.* > –…

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  • An awesome business is the product of hard work and sweat

    An awesome business is the product of hard work and sweat


    The difference between a great work and an idea for a great work is all the sweat, time, effort, and agony that go into engaging that idea and turning it into something real. The difference is not trivial. If great work were easy to produce, a lot more people would do it. – Perennial Seller…

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  • Don’t get fooled by the complex solution


    Faced with two competing hypotheses, we are likely to choose the most complex one. That’s usually the option with the most assumptions and regressions. As a result, when we need to solve a problem, we may ignore simple solutions — thinking “that will never work” — and instead favor complex ones – Complexity Bias If…

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  • @matthewlang on staying on track with Bullet Journaling


    I love Bullet Journalling. It’s the system I use to run my web development business. In fact I spent a few hours today writing about how I use it to stay on track. I use something like Matthews weekly planning bar to survey my week and make sure i account for all the other stuff…

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  • @ryanholidy gives us advice on freedom and gifts


    Freedom is the most important thing. We’re born with it, and yet many of us wake up one day surprised at the chains we wear. The reason? Because we said yes too many times and never learned how to say no. Only a free person can decline. Preserving this power is essential. How many ways…

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