• Why do we default to fast?

    Why do we default to fast?


    Why must everything be fast? Why are we looking for continual shortcuts around being in the moment? Do things taste better if you take more time to make them? Speed coffee Making a pot of coffee is a relatively simple process. You grind beans and pour them in the filter. You put water in the…

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  • Reviewing Alternote – Distraction-free markdown with Evernote?

    Reviewing Alternote – Distraction-free markdown with Evernote?


    A while ago I talked about how Evernote took over my life, and in that post I talked about Blogo which was pretty cool but had a few holes in it. I dropped Blogo and will cover my specific frustrations with it in a future post. I actually stopped using Evernote for my writing workflow…

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  • Minding your Gaps


    Do you know why you price the way you do? Do you know why you run projects that way? Don’t let those holes stick around in your business. Put the time in to figure them out.

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  • Your Ideal Employee Profile

    Your Ideal Employee Profile


    You know you should define your ideal client and filter prospects against that definition. Those ideal prospects are the only ones you want to convert into clients. Sticking to that axiom is going to help you create a business you truly love as you work for people (and on projects) that really get you fired…

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  • Why selling a dream is so much easier

    Why selling a dream is so much easier


    Remember when we talked about selling a dream? Once you get into the habit of selling a dream — as opposed to the actual product or service — your sales process will be so much easier. Think about it your own purchases. Aren’t your quickest and easiest purchases the ones that give you a picture…

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  • 7 Ways to Maintain Work-Life Balance

    7 Ways to Maintain Work-Life Balance


    A while ago Jeffro wrote a post about needing to achieve balance. Unfortunately for him, the post was prompted by a discussion he had with his wife about how much time he spent working. Seriously, read the comments in that post. Many of them have awesome suggestions for maintaining balance in your life. Here are…

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  • Cut the Context Switch Out of Email

    Cut the Context Switch Out of Email


    Email can mean a bunch of context switching if you’re not careful. Allow me to illustrate. You get an email from Client 1, and of course just dive into addressing whatever they wanted. That could mean anything, from a bunch of research or some code or changes, to a PSD or writing some content. Then…

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  • Running faster in the wrong direction is worse than not running


    Being more productive isn’t always a good thing. In fact way too often doing ‘more’ of something is seen as good when it’s anything but. Make sure you’re running in the right direction before you start trying to run faster.

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  • 5 Top Sales Mistakes

    5 Top Sales Mistakes


    Sales and marketing is hard for most of us. We hate telling people how awesome we are (marketing) and then asking for the sale is often even harder. Once you add in all the mistakes we make while trying to market and sell, and the whole process becomes even harder and increases our chances of…

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  • Forget ABC selling

    Forget ABC selling


    Have you heard that when doing sales you should ABC? Always Be Closing This is a maxim that many sales people have lived by for their entire careers. Every time you interact with a client try to close them. First time you meet them, ABC. Second call after a demo, ABC. Their dog died, ABC.…

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