The client is always right
You’ve heard this service maxim I’m sure: The customer is always right…even when they’re not. I’m also sure you’ve laughed at it and said clearly, they can’t always be right. I mean, some of the requests/emails read as though they were written by an insane four-year-old in the middle of a tantrum. Yeah, I’ve had…
Don’t hold on to the idea just because you had it
Yes we do this all the time, but that doesn’t mean we always have the best ideas. Listen to your clients and hold your ideas with an open hand. Be willing to change in the face of a good idea.
Why that ‘fun’ project isn’t ‘fun’ at all
You’re likely all familiar with Google’s “20% time” policy, where employees can use up to 20% of their time to work on anything — outside of their regular projects — that will benefit Google. This policy has led to many awesome things we use today, like Gmail. If you were at PressNomics 2015 you likely…
You want your employees to succeed right?
We’ve all had a job at some point. Maybe one of yours was at a fast food joint where your primary responsibility was to flip that burger without getting your hair on it, and the training plan likely reflected that one work goal. While we’d love to think that on-the-job training would get better as we move…
Attitude is a Choice
When exchanging greetings and someone asks, “How are you?” my typical response is something like, “Fantastic, how are you?” This same exchange occurred one particular morning at my workout, and after I had given my typical response, my workout classmate came back with, “Do you ever have a bad day?” Of course Yup, of course…
We don’t understand our customers
Are you a patient person? Can you take your time and do a job right? In conversation, can you sit and listen without just waiting for your turn to speak? I hope you can, because those traits are hallmarks of a great business owner — someone who can take time in the sales process to…
Oh the thinks you can do
Stop just thinking about the business you want, and take some action to get to the business you want. Way to many freelancers just stop dreaming about success and never execute then complain about not being successful.
Clients Aren’t Aliens
The way you hear some business owners speak you’d think they hated their clients. It’s all complaints about how clients don’t value the work the business does. They return products and ask for changes late in the game. You’d think that the clients are purposely trying to make the life of the business owner miserable.…
May Reading
May was another month with only one book read, which is more typical for the summer, when I go riding at night or take the kids to the lake. That means all the house cleanup has to happen after we get the kids to bed, which means less time devoted to reading. Growing a Business…
Clients don’t actually want your hourly rate
Hey I’ve got this site to build and I’m trying to figure out what it’s going to cost. What’s your hourly rate? – Every Client Ever Yup, we’ve all received that email, or one like it. You may have received one just this week, and if you’re like ‘the old me’ then you sighed loudly…