Figuring Out What You Really Value
Today we’re going to wrap up our short series on what you value by looking at creating a weekly schedule that actually reflects what you say you value. On Tuesday I told you to design your ‘ideal’ week but I didn’t really give you any framework to decide what is the most important thing for you to…
I value my sleep
This week we’ve been talking about demonstrating what you value, not just saying you value something with no action that backs up your claim. Monday we looked at how we say we value learning, but often don’t show it, and I gave you some practical advice on how to budget your time so your schedule accurately represents…
You’re not too busy you lie
This week we’re looking at what you really value. Not what you say you value, but what you show you value. What you say you value doesn’t matter. What you do to accomplish what you value matters. Yesterday we talked about paying lip service to learning and today we’re going to talk about all those ideas for…
Do you pay lip service to learning?
How much importance do you place on learning new things? I’m guessing you consider learning to have some importance, since you’re reading my site. But my follow-up question is: Are you really giving yourself the space you need to learn? That time I… I’ve considered other job opportunities during the course of running my own…
No Reward for Paying on Time
Do you provide a discount for a client that pays on time? I don’t. Paying on time is simply what a good client should do because…they’re an adult. Links from the video Art of Value Reddit Thread
Help Them Find Their Best Selves
What’s your job as a manager? It’s about vision. It’s about being a generalist in those technical things you used to spend all your time in and becoming a specialist in running a business. But ultimately your job is to develop people. They are the real assets in your business. Without the awesome people surrounding…
Evolving in to a business owner
I’ve worked as a web developer for around 7 years now. A decent chunk of each day is spent looking at a coding application like Vim or PHPStorm. But that’s changing. I’m spending more time on-boarding clients and writing for this site. I’m delegating more. I’m finding great team members to bring on and write…
Leading is More Than Vision
We’re business owners. That means we create the path for our company, even if we’re lone travelers. We work hard to get our team to invest in our vision. That’s our job right? Vision, and getting buy-in from everyone! It is a well-accepted role of leaders to focus on the future and pursue the possibility…
Can I start freelancing with $500 in the bank?
Maybe, but it really depends on how fast you get paying clients. The big problem is that you can’t say no to bad clients. Then it’s likely you’re going to get ‘stuck’ in a cycle of bad clients as you try to just run fast enough to pay bills.
Past the Email: The First Prospect Sales Call
This week has been all about your first email interaction with a prospect. Tuesday I talked about the basic format of your initial prospect email. Yesterday I told you about 2 prospects I didn’t let past my initial email into a call because they didn’t answer my initial questions. Prospects who don’t take the time to answer the…