• Apple and Microsoft on the same side for tablets?


    A great article from Shawn Blanc about MS and Apple having a bunch of the same goals with their tablets. They both want you to move past the thought that a tablet is for strictly consumption and it to a world where it’s your primary tool all the time. Yes that means even for creating…

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  • Chasing Payment Sucks


    Getting work done is one thing, but getting paid for that work is way more important. > Later that day, she emailed me asking if I knew what was wrong with her website. I emailed her back that it was probably sad she didn’t pay me. It would cheer up after the invoice with the…

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  • Surfacing Old Content


    For a while I’ve been working to surface some of by old content. I think that there are lots of articles of quality that just get lost as they get pushed back in time by new writing. While this article has a bunch of great ideas there are a few that I hate. So my…

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  • 2012 Tour de France Prologue – Cancellara is back and Wiggins is Strong


    Coming in 2nd, just 7 seconds behind an unbeatable Cancellara, Wiggins has shown that he is still on form and deserving of his moniker as the favourite for the Tour win. Out of the rest of the GC contenders Evans is the next best at 17 seconds down, followed closely by Hesjedal at 18 seconds…

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  • What Does a Meeting Cost


    I hate meetings. Well that may not be quite accurate, I hate meetings that waste my time and about 90% of meetings in the corporate world are a waste of time. At one place I worked I forced the boss to take something off my TODO list for every meeting I was supposed to attend,…

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  • Meshing with Employment


    I don’t mesh well with full-time employment. Be it onsite with someone or on contract still working from home. While I have a few ideas about exactly why I had not looked at it from [this perspective][cook] before. > There are a lot of companies that want short-order cooks, they want implementers and builders to…

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  • Thoughts on the Tuts+ Breach – Be Your Own Security


    After reading about the Tuts+ security breach I got wondering. How many of the real angry people were actually using proper password security? Yes as detailed in their post, they stored passwords in clear text. Yes that’s a beginner stupid move. Yes the plugin they were using had an update that fixed the cleartext passwords,…

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  • Fi’zi:k Antares – Saddle Review


    After trying the [Fi’zi:k Aliante][alamazon] and owning a [Specialized Romin Gel][romin], there were two things I was looking for in a new saddle. 1. Flat profile. The Alianté ([read my review][alrev]) has a bit of a dip in the middle and I just didn’t like it. 2. Narrows quickly towards the nose of the saddle.…

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  • Building a Crib Sheet for Client Calls


    I like to schedule all the time I spend on the phone with clients. That allows me to refresh the points to talk about and be properly prepared for the call. Being prepared like that is not possible when a new client call you out of the blue though, unless of course you build a…

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  • Working Freelance or in a Company?


    Riding today I got to hear the [Ruby Freelancers podcast][rfp] talk about business. What stuck out to me was their stance on working for yourself (freelance) or taking a job with company. Each of the hosts talked about freedom being the biggest thing that keeps them working for themselves. Late last year and early this…

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