• Adobe Makes Goodish

    Adobe Makes Goodish


    So you read my rant that published last night about Adobe confirming a platform change for CS4 with their online support. Then when talking to them about actually doing it, now that a $2000 computer is in the house, the story changed. It seems that @MilesForrest sent that blog post on to Adobe and a…

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  • Building High Quality WordPress Themes

    Building High Quality WordPress Themes


    Lately I’ve been working through WordPress documentation on the recommended best practices for building WordPress themes. I figure that going through all the recommendations of WordPress not only teaches me how to be a better WordPress developer but also lets me server my clients better (and doing the best work for my clients is what…

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  • I Wish Adobe Would Die – Or Adobe’s Customer Service Motto, We’re not happy till you’re not happy

    I Wish Adobe Would Die – Or Adobe’s Customer Service Motto, We’re not happy till you’re not happy


    Update So Adobe got wind of this little blog post and got in touch. Greatly reduced cost on the upgrade to CS5. You can read my thoughts on it here. Recently I made the switch to a fully OS X environment. For a few months now I’ve been doing all my design work on PC…

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  • Tips on Picking a WordPress Plugin

    Tips on Picking a WordPress Plugin


    On many of my long term projects my clients are heavily involved in the development cycles. We mark everything that’s not in the current cycle as a ‘future feature’ and collect information on it as we work out the items that are currently marked as features. Often, as we look at a particular piece of…

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  • Threshold Ladders – Cycling Interval Workout


    Threshold ladders is an awesome interval workout to improve your lactic acid clearing ability. After your 60 second all out sprint it should be really hard to keep up the pace at 8 for 3 minutes. If you’re doing it right it should get harder as you do more sets. Don’t repeat this workout twice…

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  • Cycling Question of the Week – November 8 – 14


    Lots of us commute at some point. Sure I work out of my house but I still ride in to the next town once or twice a week to attend meetings, or I run out to the store on my bike. Well, what are some advanced bike handling skills and how do I learn them?…

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  • WordPress Stackexchange Question of the Week – November 8 -14

    WordPress Stackexchange Question of the Week – November 8 -14


    Ever been interested in synchronizing WordPress user accounts across multiple domains? Well you weren’t the only one. There are a few answers to this one already but one seems to be far more complete. I personally can’t speak to it’s correctness but I’m watching the comments on it since there may come a time when…

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  • Time Trial Pace


    This is a great workout to concentrate specifically on increasing your Time Trial Pace. This is a hard workout and shouldn’t be repeated on back to back days or more than twice in a week. Warm up for 10 minutes Jump to 7 out of 10 effort (just above regular time trial pace) for 10…

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  • 5 Minute Splits – Cycling Interval Workout


    5 Minute splits are a pretty standard interval and can easily be fit into an hour long workout. they should get progressively harder and your 8 out of 10 effort should yield diminishing speed the farther into the workout you get. Warm up for 10 minutes Jump to 8 out of 10 effort for 5…

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  • Accomplished Goals


    Well it’s official I hit my goal winter weight of 180lbs. That puts me down from 195lbs before I got my road bike in late July 2010. I also decreased my body fat from 31% to 24%. Over the winter I’d like to maintain that weight and if possible even see the body fat percentage…

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