• Having Fun with the WordPress post_class()

    Having Fun with the WordPress post_class()


    While I know that the WordPress post_class(); has been around since WordPress 2.7 I recently just stumbled upon it for some recent projects. Unfortunately, while post_class(); gave me a ton of function that I needed, I still needed to extend it just a bit to suit the project specific needs. What is post_class(); Stealing directly…

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  • Missing the Forest for the Trees When Coding

    Missing the Forest for the Trees When Coding


    As a programmer I spend hours each day (yeah even many weekends) looking at code and while I love it there seems to be one specific issue that keeps getting me, missing obvious mistakes in my own code. The Catalyst The issue that finally broke my will to live and made me write this blog…

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  • Keep It all Backed Up


    Spurred on by a recent tweet about backing up your data I figured I’d write about how I setup the backup for my own machines. Unlike many reading this (or talking about it on forums) I haven’t had a drive failure. I’ve never lost data. I setup a solid backup without learning the lesson first…

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  • The Basics of Writing Good Content for Your Site

    The Basics of Writing Good Content for Your Site


    A while ago I wrote that Seo Isn’t Magic but It’s Hard work. I too find that writing targeted content that potential clients will be searching for is hard work. Being a bit of a gear head I’m way more likely to be interested in expounding on technical topics that will interest others of my…

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  • Using Vim as a Text Editor


    This is a guest post by Alan Bailward a long time advocate of Vim and friend. Introduction When Curtis first asked me to write about my programming workflow, I thought to myself “why would anyone care about a simple setup like I have?”, and told Curtis as such. Then a few days later I was…

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  • The Case Against WordPress Plugins

    The Case Against WordPress Plugins


    As suggested by the comments this is probably better titled as: Why I Prefer Not to Use Plugins in WordPress WordPress is a great open source CMS. Out of the box it has a ton of functionality and the huge community that exists around it contributes plugins and patches which are often very high quality.…

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  • EasyTask Review: If Only


    Recently I reviewed The Hit List and while it is a great application I found a number of areas that gave me pause in using it long term. Since then I’ve been using EasyTask which appealed because of it’s cross-platform nature and the offsite sync, not to mention the price which includes versions for both…

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  • SEO, It’s Not Magic, and It’s Hard Work

    SEO, It’s Not Magic, and It’s Hard Work


    During almost every website I build I get asked by my client’s what I’ll be doing to make sure their site ranks high for XXXXXX search term. Unfortunately this stems from the widely held belief that SEO is some sort of magic Voodoo that is done by the site code only. We can’t blame clients…

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  • The Essentials of my OSX Setup


    Of course this site is about the tools you use to do your job and I mention in passing what I personally use but really the podcast is about the guests. Today I’ll list my essentials for working on OSX. In a future post I’ll list the same for Windows and Linux. Applications Web Development…

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  • Episode 3 – Frank Barrett


    Welcome to the 3rd episode of Your Workflow, a podcast and blog on the tools you use to do your job and why you use them. Today we’re talking with Frank Barrett. Frank is an IT pro, and master beer brewer. He blogs at Frank Barrett’s Brain and cohosts a podcast called NextGenMedia Podcast which…

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