Tag: Apple
Jason on comfort
It’s time to get uncomfortable, folks. Doing the same things we have always done because they are the path of least resistance is not going to cut it anymore. The times of ignoring the bad for the little comfort benefits are over. – Comfort and You rant about Apple’s choices and then pick up the…
Apple is just a business
Many are currently lamenting what they see as the fall of Apple from a tech company that “did it right” to one that goes where the winds of power takes them. They see Apple advertising on X again or donating to the inaguration as some personal affront to their sensibilities. The problem is that people…
Federico always makes me want to use my iPad more
While it’s older, I just read Federico talk about his 11″ iPad Pro setup and as usual I want to use the iPad more. I don’t think Apple is any better than other large tech companies but I’ve tried other tablets and the iPad is the best tablet on the market. Nothing has even come…
Mechanical Keyboard modded with TouchID switch
What the title says, here is a mechanical keyboard modded to have a TouchID switch. I love fingerprint authentication which I have on my TouchID keyboards for the macOS systems I have around and on my Framework 13″ laptop. I plan to build a Linux desktop this year and need to look into adding fingerprint…
Apple storage is overpriced – here are some options
Outside of the constant services Apple wants to push on users, or the fealty payments Tim Cook is making to the criminal insurrectionist president of the US, they charge stupid amounts for storage upgrades. At least there are options to avoid the Apple storage tax, even if you can’t stop the other crap they’re doing…
User hostile operating systems steal time
While Ed’s story of crappy tech points directly to a Windows computer, Apple isn’t much better. Yes the hardware is nicer so you don’t have multiple minutes to wait while you login in, but it’s also more expensive meaning that many people couldn’t afford the supposedly “better” experience. Then if you’re a power user Apple…
Jason Snell Apple should end the AppStore Era
I admit I feel a bit surprised reading Jason’s takedown of the AppStore model on his preferred computing platform. Maybe I shouldn’t be, but it seems far more direct than I expected. A few highlights: Today’s computing world is also more dangerous than the one in which macOS was originally devised, so Apple cleverly built…
Apple has an upsell polishing cloth?
Josh found out that you may need the $20USD polishing cloth for your nano texture display because the one included with his computer that he ordered with the nano texture doesn’t work on the computer it came with. This is baffling to me. If Apple has a proper cloth for the display it should come…
Mac Mini M4 and the Power Button
Yes the Mac Mini M4 came out and it’s a beast but that power button is stupid. If you have a 3D printer you can fix it like this. This is super stupid you have to fix a power button though.