Tag: blog
Makoism – Excellent new site I found
Wasn’t familiar with Makoism until today but flipping through the weekly posts I found lots of great other content to read so this is now in my RSS rotation.
Bit of my blogging history
Brian and I had an exchange about our blogging histories. I figured that I’d round up some stats about my personal writing. This site (personal) My first blog post on this site was August 8 2008. It was a giveaway of some free Photoshop brushes. Since then I’ve written 664 posts. My 664 posts are…
Blog Designer Interview
I was recently interviewed by @kellymccausey of Blog Designer News. Click the link below to listen to the short interview and check out Blog Designer News. Interview.
The Daily News: Stolen designs, site conversion, and usability
Let’s start today with an article from Freelance Switch (FSW) on Intellectual Property Resources. All of us designers get worried about our design work getting stolen. It seems that when this happens it’s hard to do much about it. The list provided by FSW gives you places to find your legal rights. Second up is…
The News — XTHML, the economy and your social blog
First up today is a reasonably technical article on XHTML myths and realities. Written by a member of the W3C this article goes over the start of HTML and the morph to XHTML. It comments on browser support and ultimately recommends that you write HTML 4.0 instead of XHTML. A real interesting article that get…