Tag: Craft Notes
The Future of Craft
Recently Craft introduced their future with Craft X. This is a new Craft Developer Platform with an API that is accessible to anyone that wants to write an extension for Craft. This is very exciting for people that use Craft to take notes because it’s going to open up unlimited customization that anyone can make.…
Craft 1.7 Gets Tables
With Craft 1.7 users now have the long requested feature to have tables. Overall the tables are a very understandable user interface that allows almost everything that Craft has in it to be used inside a cell. Combining tables and pages you could even build out a Kanban flow that follows the traditional horizontal layout…
Migrate Craft Notes to Obsidian
Many of you will know that I started my research system in Obsidian, but then when it didn’t look like we’d be getting a robust mobile app I left Obsidian for Craft. Well, I moved back and today I’m going to give you some tips about moving from Craft to Obsidian to save you some…
Why I Move from Craft to Obsidian
Many of you have asked about why I moved from Craft back to Obsidian, and today is the day I’ll answer that question. I Never Would Have Left Let’s get this point out of the way immediately, if the mobile app for Obsidian was going to be a “full” app I never would have left…
Using Craft as a Kanban Board
I’ve been struggling to find a good use for cards in Craft. Sure they look really cool in demos and screenshots, but what is their practical use outside of adding some visual style to your notes? I think I’ve found one that may be useful for some Craft users. Let’s see how we can use…
Move Craft Note to Another Space
Today we’ll talk about a newer feature that’s come to Craft, the ability to move notes between workspaces.
Using Craft External Storage Locations
In a recent update Craft added external storage locations. Today we’re going to check it out.
Should You Use Craft as a Task Manager?
I’ve been asked more than once about keeping track of tasks in Craft. How do I do it? What is my setup, so today we’ll talk about it. In a word, Craft is not a task manager. I don’t manage tasks in Craft and you shouldn’t either. To take a longer look at this, everyone…
Share Content from Chrome to Craft
Recently in the [Craft](https://craft.do) Slack channel someone wanted to know if it was possible to get Craft’s Share Sheet functionality from Safari into Chrome. The quick answer is, yes this is entirely possible to do and tie it to a keyboard command. Today’s video shows you how to do just that.
Why I Moved from Obsidian to Craft
I know that many people started following my YouTube Channel because I was talking about Obsidian only to find that I’ve now moved to Craft. Today we’re going to talk about the main reasons why I’ve made this move because moving software tools is so expensive. In fact, it’s so expensive I’m not going to…