Tag: IE
IE is Doing the Right Thing with Do Not Track
Microsoft gets a pretty bad wrap for it’s browsers. IE (specifically version 6) has been a thorn in the side of every web developer for years. With that type of history it’s sometimes hard to give MS credit when they do right. In IE 10 ‘do not track’ will be enabled by default, and I…
The Long Proposed Death of IE 6
The proposed demise of IE 6 rings with the shouts of joy from web developers the world over, but is it truly on the horizon? While sites trying to kill IE 6 extoll all the valid reasons web designers and developers have to want the death; clients sit and look at philosophical arguments and compare…
The News: IE to use Webkit & Staying creative
Well here is an interesting development. In a recent developers conference in Sydney Steve Ballmer said that “Apple has embraced Webkit and we may look at that.” This is very interesting as the rendering in IE sucks currently and Webkit is awesome. I know that for all web designers it would be a wonderful thing…