Tag: intervals
Cycling Interval Workout – Race Pick Ups
This is my first season racing and I’ve found that attacks can come fast and furious. As soon as you’ve hung on through one attack someone else decides to do it again and you’ve got to go hard with little/no rest. With that in mind I’ve got a workout designed to make you go hard…
Timing Your Intervals
Most of my riding is done early in the morning in the dark which means I can’t read my watch or see my cycling computer so watching my intervals is a bit of a challenge. I do also listen to music (yeah I know some people hate it) while riding though so my iPod is…
The Week Ahead – Speed Training
So I just came off 3 weeks of working on hills. Really I need to get my overall fitness back to where I was when I raced (guess I never mentioned I race x-country MTB in my younger days). Right now I feel pretty dang slow, at least compared to where I want to be.…