Tag: open source
Thunderbird’s 20th Anniversary
I’ve used Thunderbird off and on for years, but with my move to Fedora fulltime just over a year ago Thunderbird is again my main email client. During that year I was asked to donate when I downloaded the client, and again today on their 20th Anniversary. I donated both times and wouldn’t mind a…
Opening My Workflows to Break System Lock in and Tracking
For about 10 years now I’ve been a happy Apple user, though lately I’ve been less happy with at least some of their offerings. My biggest issue lately has been that I don’t like their laptop line at all. Even if I was to ignore the keyboard woes plaguing their butterfly keyboards, I don’t think…
The Expectation of Free
I’ve been finding lately that just because I write tutorials on WordPress the readers expect me to provide a bunch of free support when it doesn’t quite work for them. If someone provides you with something for free, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t solve all of your specific needs. If you need something that…
Contribute to Documentation Even if It’s Not Sexy
We should all contribute to open source projects. If you’re building websites you’re using something open source and it just seems right that we should give something back. The real sexy thing to so when contributing to open source is committing code. For every open source project that’s out there I’m sure you can find…