Tag: php

  • I need beginner learning recommendations for programming?


    I’ve got someone that is interested in online work but has no real prior experience. Some options I’m aware of are: Do you have other options? The person is close enough that I’d put time into supporting their learning if they put in the effort.

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  • Missing the Vibe in the Rails Community


    For a while I was involved pretty heavily with the Ruby on Rails community. I did design consulting on a number of application interfaces and some frontend programming. Alas, those days have passed and I’m 100% WordPress and PHP focussed. Now I like WordPress and PHP just fine but one thing I really miss from…

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  • Using stripslashes() with Theme Options

    Using stripslashes() with Theme Options


    **Update:** This is not the right way to do this. Use WordPress functions to sanitize data. April 27, 2012 While I might be showing a bit about my PHP naivety but while working with theme options recently I found that some of my content had a just before a single quote. Now I knew it…

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  • News around the Blogoshpere


    I thought today I would bring you up to speed with some of the neat things I found in my feedreader today. Smashing Magazine is offering 67 free photoshop brushes today. They are free to use for any project but not to distribute. Over at Niki’s DesignO’Blog there are some very cool tech coasters that…

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