Tag: reading
When you Don’t Like Books
It’s rare that I don’t finish a book, but there have been a few. Most recently I put down The Black Swan because I felt it was a poorly written self agrandizing work written so that Taleb could show how smart he was while making up new names for established principles. Even when I do…
Performative Reading Goals
As we finish up the first month of 2025 people are still all fired up about their goals, though some are already seeing the cracks in the self they projected into 2025. Today I want to address the reading goal and it’s value for the quality of your life and the quality of your reading.…
Will my kids want my books?
Robert Breen says no and he’s probably right, though they all say they want some of the books when I ask them today. While I place value on my book collection of a personal nature that exceeds the monetary value of the books, I also realise that as I age I need to talk to…
Consumption and the Antilibrary
Umberto Echo had a famously large library of 30,000 books most of which he knew he’d never read. When asked about his huge library he’d correct people calling it his antilibrary, a resource for all the things he didn’t know. It wasn’t about showing off all the books he had read, because he already had…
My Favourite Books of 2024
Non-Fiction Dark PR First, Grant was kind enough to gift me a physical copy of this book when I said it wasn’t available at my local library. No request from him, just asked for my address and sent a book. In this book the reader is provided with many frameworks to use when they think…
Reading Well – 3 Threads
For 2025 I’m starting a book club and we’re starting with Right Thing Right Now by Ryan Holiday. If you want to get the weekly insights sign up as they’re only coming via email. Members will get some extras like PDF/ePub copies of the book insights and if there is enough interest a group call…
Still looking for a reading chair
His top recommendation looks nice, I wish I could find a place to test it out that’s not an entire day of driving away. Do you have a favourite chair? What is it?
All about Reading Books for 2025 – 3 Threads
This is brought to you by members become one to keep the content coming. Reading for 2024 – read more?? In 2024 (46 books as of writing) I read more than 2023 (31 books total) which makes me happier but is still below the previous 9 years of around 70 books per year. I’m not…
Performative Reading
This was a good video about the pressure of reading, at least for those with a YouTube channel that is all about books. I’m writing more about reading for 2025 tomorrow, but just do what you want. Read the books you’re interested in and read as much, or as little as you want. My best…
Massive Brandon Sanderson Books
As I write 2000 words on something far more serious for tomorrow this was a great break between writing and editing. I’m a big Sanderson fan and have the latest book to read over my Christmas break, if not before when I finish my current fiction read, Howling Dark. I always enjoy NerdForge as do…