Tag: twitter
Twitter, Not Only Screwing Around with Their API
So not only is Twitter screwing around with user data through their API, they’re getting in to censorship now. The article on The Huffington Post has more detail. Ultimately, the email address was public. Saying it’s not is like saying my email is not public (see my contact page). NBC just through some weight around…
Here Goes Twitter Screwing Around
[As I talked about][talk] a while ago, Twitter is starting to get jealous with its data and API. Just recently the gave [Instagram the shaft][inst] by shutting it out of the API which allows Instagram users to find other Twitter friends. While I can certainly see that Instagram is a heavy user of the API…
Twitter – Disrespecting It’s Users
Monday of this week I got an email from Twitter with a digest of stuff. Once I realized what it was I deleted it. First, I never signed up for this email. Second, Twitter never told me this was starting and gave me the chance to opt out. This totally smacks of the crap Facebook…
Do You Let Your Tech Get in the Way?
I recently [shared some images taken on the bike][bikeimage], and while I enjoy taking pictures of the stuff I get to see, I’m out there to really experience it too. Even the morning that post went up I was riding and watched the sun rise over the local mountains and I thought about taking a…
Twitter as a Free Service
A recent comment on my post about staying away from services with no business models noted the irony that they found the link to the post via my Twitter account. Twitter if course is by an large a free service, but it’s not really a service that has no business model. Currently Twitter has the…
Finding the Right Twitter Client – Echofon
Before Twitter had their own app I tried many different options like Tweetdeck (way too busy), Heltweetica (meh), and Echofon all of which needed to be revisited when Twitter announced their new application policies. Today we’ll look at the features of Echofon. I suppose it’s also worth noting that since Twitter has made their announcement…
Drawing a Line with Social Media
It’s not news to anyone that social media is everywhere. We’re all on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Foursquare, Gowala…at what point does it all this sharing of our life become too much? How much do we let our personal and business life become intertwined? This is an especially poignant question for freelancers who do business under…
Twitter, Jumping the Shark?
With Twitter’s recent announcement that they don’t want you building new 3rd party Twitter clients nerds everywhere are calling foul. This drastic departure from their previously open stance has caught a few off guard while others think it was an inevitable step in the evolution of Twitter in to a profitable company. While I’m not…
Careful About Cheapening Your Work
The Annoyance I have been on Twitter for a while (Follow Me) and recently I have been noticing a trend with designer’s tweeting and offering their services for ‘rock bottom prices.’ Many days I see someone offer a deal to the next 5 people that tweet them. The ‘best’ I saw was logo’s for $97…