Tag: Vision Pro

  • Some Vision Pro Excitement Feels Dystopian


    While listening to The Talk Show Episode 3841 John Gruber and Michael Simmons raved about the meditation features of the upcoming Vision Pro being able to gain you some peace in the midst of a busy world. To me the excitement makes me think of the dystopian future we seem to be headed towards sometimes.…

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  • Greg – Apple’s Vision of the Apocalypse


    I’m with Greg in thinking that Vision Pro is fairly dystopian. The only use I could see is as instead of a multi-monitor setup, but then $3499 USD for a “companion” to your $2k computer???? WTF!!! That seems crazy. I hope to never see this on the faces of the people around me. I already…

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  • Matt Says Camcorders Were Weird Too


    Matt says that camcorders were weird too and people tensed up when camcorders came out. Now technology has changed enough that a phone coming out to take a video changes little about the behaviour of most people. On some level, I agree. Vision Pro will change lots and people will get used to it. My…

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