Tag: work
You won’t succeed if you don’t do the work
Have you bought a course that’s going to help you learn to run a more effective business? Maybe you bought Book Yourself Solid. Maybe you even read it. Lots of good stuff in that book. Do you have a business coach? I’m sure they have lots of good suggestions and make you think hard about…
How should I price my services?
Our first post in the Pricing Series talked about all the different methods you could use to price your services. Yesterday I talked about how your speed at something shouldn’t affect your pricing (which is why hourly is a big bag of suck). Today I’m going to talk about the 2 pricing methods I use…
Why on earth should you create a budget for your business?
This seems like a simple concept but let me give you a bit of a working definition of exactly WHAT a budget is. That way maybe you can understand WHY you should create a budget for your business. WHAT is a Budget? A budget is an INTENTIONAL spending plan for your business. It gives you…
I just turned off email on my phone
I’m a huge proponent of GTD. I use it to run my whole business and pretty much all of my life tasks. GTD is all about removing cognitive load by putting tasks and notes in a trusted system. For me that system is OmniFocus and Evernote. The thing is that I break my own system…
How much is your attitude?
The garden needed to be cleaned. It had a winter’s worth of pine cones and pine needles in it. There were weeds everywhere. It looked terrible. There I stood making the communal townhouse garden presentable grumbling under my breath about the injustice of it all. I’m the one who does most of the snow shoveling…
There is no later
When you start running a business it takes a lot of hustle. If you’re being smart you’re not quitting your job right away. You’re working extra hours in the evenings and weekends to get the business going. Maybe you’re working extra hours after your regular job to make your freelance business a reality. You’re working…
Something that I am asked often as the wife of a “work at home” man is how it works. What people are really asking me is what the boundaries are. There seems to be this false impression out there that being self employed and working from home offers the ultimate freedom. I think a lot…
Motivating Yourself to Freelance and Work Fulltime
I was recently asked what motivated me to keep working and freelance. There was a time, about a year ago now, that I worked 40 hours a week at my full time job and 30 hours a week freelancing. Add to that the fact that we own one car and my wife finished 1 –…
Your Only Investment is Your Time
As any web designer could confirm there are a host of people with “good ideas,” no skills to implement them and no money to pay someone to do it for them. If this describes you read on, this post may tell you how to have a chance of getting someone to invest their time for…