Tag: zettelkasten
On ebooks and ereaders and the value of friction
The question about using Kindle, or any electronic reading device, brings up many emotions for people. Some swear by them and some swear that they make you dumber, while others feel nostalgic for the smell and feel of a book without weighing in deeper than expressing their personal preference. I’ve had a bunch of Kindle…
ReadItLater – Obsidian Plugin
After last week’s look at some read later services I had a bunch of suggestions including the Obsidian ReadItLater plugin. To test this out you need to go to Obsidian settings then Community Plugins where you can search for and active this plugin. Usage Unlike the Obsidian Web Clipper you don’t use an external tool…
Bear 2.0 First Look
Today we’re going to take a first look at Bear 2.0 released by Shiny Frog software. Bear is an excellent note-taking application for macOS, iPadOS and iOS. That means if you use Linux or Windows…you’re out of luck when it comes to this beautiful application. During this first look we tested out the formatting of…
Obsidian Student Vault
I’ve talked to many students about how they should set up their vaults to take notes on classes and combine them with notes on textbooks and other research material. Today I’m going to show you what a number of the students I coach are using effectively today. Don’t Get Fancy One final word before we…