
  • Angie Meeker snippet – Awesome mom and awesome at WordPress business


    I published a bunch of interview snippets earlier this week but I hadn’t had a chance to talk with Angie Meeker. Angie and I talked about a bunch of different things (like pricing based on value and that starts with sales) but one thing that really stuck out to me is her discussion about being…

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  • Launch Video


    It’s hard to put in typed words what you can say. Here is a video I recorded for the launch of “Don’t be an Idiot: Learn to run a viable business“. Sign up on the mailing list above to get updates, coupons, and a sneak peak at the content. WOOHOO BOOK LAUNCH!

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  • My daily scrum with James Strocel


    A friend of mine has been looking for a job lately. To aid in his search he started a great daily scrum video. If you’re not familial with a scrum report, it’s also known as a ‘stand up’. Basically James goes over the things he’s struggling with in his projects and how he’s trying to…

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  • Week in WordPress Episode 0


    Enjoy my amazing insights and sound issues on the first episode (well it’s called 0 here) of Week in WordPress. You can see what else Matt and Slocum are doing on their blog. I assume that show notes will end up on the post for the episode.

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  • The Current Bike of Lust is:


    Cannondale – The All New Synapse from Matthew Schlichter on Vimeo. Yeah I know I put these up every few months and it’s a different bike but right now I want a brand new Synapse. Well it won’t be fully on the market till next year so that means I’ve got 12 months to save…

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  • Getting Paid with Open Letters


    Today I talk about if it’s even worth putting out open letters in hopes of getting paid. Articles Open Letter to Ryan Immel Unfinished Business 006 Unfinished Business 007

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