Guru’s Lie – Writing Isn’t Easy, and That’s the Point
It will not literally speak to you. But visible areas of increased connectivity within the slip box, what Sonke Ahrens calls “clusters” can guide you towards ideas ready for expression. – A System for Writing Pg 111 This is one of the big misconceptions with a Zettelkasten/PKM system, it will do the writing for you.…
You Don’t Need More Notes—You Need More Time with Them
In chapter 4 of A System for Writing Doto covers all the work that goes into connecting notes, and to many I’m sure it feels daunting. He talks about stretching the meanings of notes when you’re starting because you don’t have many notes yet and you need to start making connections. My first thought when…
Seeking Less Connectivity
Cal Newport regularly says that we assume if a bit of something is good, more must be better. Some connectivity is good, so connectivity all the time must be better. Easy to send text messages make some communication easier, so all communication going through a text must be better. But I don’t think so and…
No more Amazon links?
Drew at Lithub says we should stop linking to Amazon and I don’t disagree with him. Jeff Bezos is just like any other big tech oligarchs out there. But Drew doesn’t offer any alternatives for those that want to advertise their books. You could link to Bookshop which helps support local bookstores with your purchases…
Xyla Grounded for Female Hysteria
Ugh, we’re so backwards. Xyla’s awesome I love her builds and this is stupid.
Sexy Notebooks Recommended by Matthew
I’m a sucker for a dot grid notebook so when Matthew recommended these sexy science notebooks I ordered 3. Do I need more notebooks, nope I have a stake on the shelf. But these are hot.
Cory’s list of tech outside the US
Cory has a bigger list than I put together a few days ago. To my US friends, I like you all and wish you the best but I have to say no to the government shit going on. Outside the attacks on my country, the US government is removing rights from it’s citizens and that’s…
Guess I’m old and irrelevant
CJ Chilvers commenting on Neil’s research says that since my blog started in 2008 and I have about 4000 posts on it it’s likely that Google thinks my site is irrelevant. But I’m going to hold to his advice by posting what I want, when I want, and not pruning my backlog because this is…
Words are the Edge of Fear
There’s a lot at stake when putting thoughts into words. Words that remain in our head are free to exist independent of how they’re used by other people. Once we attempt to put our ideas on the page, words that previously strutted self-assuredly across our synapses become sheepish and soft-spoken. – A System for Writing…