Style: Non-fiction

  • Duly Noted – Jorge Arango

    Duly Noted – Jorge Arango


    Duly Noted is another book in the ever increasing and popular series of books on how to take notes, a genre that’s been growing hugely in the last few years. If you’re new to the field of taking good notes, this book is a good primer on how to get started. If you’ve watched a…

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  • So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Cal Newport

    So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Cal Newport


    This is Cal Newport’s investigation of what it takes to be so good at your job, that you can’t be ignored. Unlike many online personalities, he doesn’t tell you to follow your passion, in fact he feels it leads to a life of disappointment as you continue to fail to find the “right” career and…

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  • Mans Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl

    Mans Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl


    This is a classic book, that feels to me like it has so much weight behind it that it’s hard to say most anything about the book but praise. I have the second edition where Frankl goes into his Logo Therapy ideas, and I found those of less utility than the discussion at the beginning…

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  • The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking

    The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking


    The purpose of this book is right on the cover, Burger and Starbird are going to teach you the 5 elements they feel go into effective thinking and there are a number of good points they make. While the book isn’t groundbreaking, there are a number of excellent takeaways like those listed above to help…

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  • Never Enough – Jennifer Breheny Wallace

    Never Enough – Jennifer Breheny Wallace


    In Never Enough we take a look at how the achievement culture that is prevalent in society today is harming children as they are pushed to compete more, achieve more, all in a quest to get into the “best” education so they can be “set for life”. Wallace analyses how this focus on achievement harms…

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  • Barking Up The Wrong Tree – Eric Barker

    Barking Up The Wrong Tree – Eric Barker


    Eric Barker is going to be the new guru that saves us from all the other gurus that purport to know how to achieve success, by turning to science to tell us what matters in our quest for success. Yes it matters more if your boss likes you than if you are good at your…

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  • Quiet – Susan Cain

    Quiet – Susan Cain


    In Quiet we get a look at what Susan Cain calls the extrovert ideal. We see this in the world around us as everyone is expected to network, and “lean in” to situations at work, and be collaborative….all the damn time. If that’s not you, and it’s not me, then this is a good book…

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  • I Didn’t Do The Thing Today

    I Didn’t Do The Thing Today


    Madeline Dore takes a hard look at the poisonous productivity culture that has permeated our lives and gives readers tools to reject it. No you don’t need to find the best morning routine on YouTube, or the best task manager and system to use it. You need to take a break, visit a friend with…

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  • Breaking Busy – Alli Worthington

    Breaking Busy – Alli Worthington


    In Breaking Busy, Alli Worthington, takes a look at how being “busy” is intoxicating, how we wear it like a badge of honour. The whole book has strong Christian overtones with much talk about forgetting about the approval of society and only looking for the approval of God. If the God talk is going to…

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  • DevOps with Kubernetes – Stephen Fleming

    DevOps with Kubernetes – Stephen Fleming


    This is a very high-level overview of what DevOps is in the first section and then how Kubernetes works in the second section. While I hoped to glean something from this, it should have been a blog post. At least if it was a blog post the numerous spelling mistakes and grammar issues could have…

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