Just One More Chapter – Maneetpaul Singh
This is a short motivational guide with practical advice to help you set up a reading practice. You can feel the strong influence of Atomic Habits in Singh’s writing with his habit tips, which he acknowledges in the paragraph after I had that thought. If you’ve steeped in habits, you don’t need to read this.…
Rating: MaybeStyle: Non-fictionAuthor: Maneetpaul SinghA Better Place on Earth – Andrew MacLeod
I’ve read a number of books about basic income or scarcity and poverty but they’ve all been in the US context and aren’t entirely applicable to the political climate found in Canada. A Better Place on Earth takes a look at equality, poverty, and homelessness in my home province of British Columbia. MacLeod provides stark…
Rating: MaybeStyle: Non-fictionAuthor: Andrew MacLeodRaising Empowered Daughters – Mike Adamick
This is a book directed at dads that want to be parents who break out of misogynistic stereotypes and empower their daughters. From addressing the emotional damage done to men when we put each other down by calling each other “pussies” which equates the worst thing a man can be to being a woman, to…
Rating: RecommendedStyle: Non-fictionAuthor: Mike AdamickAtomic Habits – James Clear
This is my second read through Atomic Habits (my original review) and I didn’t come into it thinking it would be all that great. I expected that all these years later I’d look at it like many productivity books I read, simplistic and missing so much context for anyone that wasn’t a white dude. I’m…
Rating: RecommendedStyle: Non-fictionAuthor: James ClearMore Human – Steve Hilton
In More Human former UK government insider attempts to propose a way to make life more suitable to the humans who have to live it instead of the corporations who seemingly dictate so much of the life humans live. While Steve hits some good notes, he also widely misses the mark on many others. Hilton…
Rating: Don’t ReadStyle: Non-fictionAuthor: Steve HiltonFourth Wing – Rebecca Yarros
Rebecca Yarros weaves a story of a land at constant war viewed through the eyes of Violet. Violet always wanted to be a scribe, and in fact if you judged her by her strength, that is where she should be. Unfortunately her General mother had different plans. Violet is flung into the world of dragon…
Rating: RecommendedStyle: FictionAuthor: Rebecca YarrosRight Thing, Right Now – Ryan Holiday
This was our first book club book and follows Holiday’s look at what it mean to be just, and bring justice to the world. He looks at it in three realms. I found the book challenging in many areas and it will be worth another read in the future. Holiday asks us to continue to…
Rating: RecommendedStyle: Non-fictionAuthor: Ryan HolidayHowling Dark – Christopher Rucchio
This entry in the Sun Eater Series takes us to Vorgossos, a land out of literal mythology with the current resident taking up the realms of stories told to children. Hadrian attempts to broker peace with the Ceilcin, but Bassander has other plans and is “only following orders”. Death and life happen for many of…
Rating: RecommendedGenre: Science FictionStyle: FictionAuthor: Christopher RoucchicoFour Thousand Weeks – Oliver Burkeman
Four Thousand Weeks is a productivity book less about cranking out more tasks every week and more about making you take stock of the things you’re doing so that you don’t waste your time with meaningless tasks. As the book states, you have about four thousand weeks on the earth, so what are you going…
Rating: RecommendedGenre: ProductivityStyle: Non-fictionAuthor: Oliver BurkemanTo Write As If Already Dead – Kate Zabreno
While this book is supposed to be a look at the life of Hervé Guibert, I have no idea who that is or his significance to the literary world, which is notable according to the book. What stuck out to me in this book is the critique of motherhood and the failings of the US…
Rating: MaybeGenre: Literory CriticismStyle: Non-fictionAuthor: Kate Zambreno