Category: 3 Threads
Seeking Less Connectivity
Cal Newport regularly says that we assume if a bit of something is good, more must be better. Some connectivity is good, so connectivity all the time must be better. Easy to send text messages make some communication easier, so all communication going through a text must be better. But I don’t think so and…
Expertise in the Age of Infinite Information
LLMs are not generally optimized to say “I don’t know” when they don’t have enough information – Co-Intelligence Pg 96 One of the things I’ve always valued in another person is their ability to admit when they don’t know something. It’s also one of my biggest issues with LLMs, they confidently tell you a lie…
Feb 2025 Reading Recap
This month you’ll note no fiction books were finished. That dang Brandon Sanderson guy wrote a 1300 page tome so I’ve made progress on Wind and Truth but not finished it. In fact I’ve made enough progress that it would equal 2 fiction books worth of pages read if it was a normal sized book.…
When you Don’t Like Books
It’s rare that I don’t finish a book, but there have been a few. Most recently I put down The Black Swan because I felt it was a poorly written self agrandizing work written so that Taleb could show how smart he was while making up new names for established principles. Even when I do…
Jan 2025 Reading Recap
I know I’m always looking for good book recommendations, as much as wanting to know which books are not worth reading. To that end I’ll be doing a monthly recap of the books I read with a recommendation so you can populate or weed books out of your TBR pile. Non-Fiction Decluttered by Jenny Albertini…
Performative Reading Goals
As we finish up the first month of 2025 people are still all fired up about their goals, though some are already seeing the cracks in the self they projected into 2025. Today I want to address the reading goal and it’s value for the quality of your life and the quality of your reading.…
On ebooks and ereaders and the value of friction
The question about using Kindle, or any electronic reading device, brings up many emotions for people. Some swear by them and some swear that they make you dumber, while others feel nostalgic for the smell and feel of a book without weighing in deeper than expressing their personal preference. I’ve had a bunch of Kindle…
Finding Sacred Blocks
Last week I talked about consuming content and how your library should be about the stuff you want to learn instead of a performative shelf of stuff you’ve read. One key point I mentioned was that if I owned a book, but had read it and taken good notes on it I better have a…