Category: Apple

  • Matt has the right gif for my thoughts on iPadOS


    Entirely stealing from Matt Birchler. I love my iPad but I feel like Charlie Brown and Apple is Lucy. I trust she won’t pull the football away again like she always does, but she’s going to. I always hope Apple will push my favourite form factor device just a bit more so I can use…

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  • My iPad is my Favourite Form Factor


    While I’m not sure I want an iPad that runs macOS as Matt suggests I am sure that my iPad is my favourite form factor for a computing device. I’m typing at it now, but I often grab it off my stand and take it to another part of the house to have a recipe,…

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  • OmniFocus 4 is a Very Minor Upgrade

    OmniFocus 4 is a Very Minor Upgrade


    Just as I put everything back in Things 3 after my look at nvim OrgMode, OmniFocus 4 released which meant I needed to dig in to see if the years long development cycle has yielded any changes that changed my opinion from OmniFocus is legacy software to…you should use this app. For OmniFocus 4 the…

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  • Apple is Speed Running Turning into a Trash Company


    I’m sure someone reading this is going to say Apple has been trash for a while. I get it, you don’t like Apple, but I did up until last year. Today I read that Apple is putting another nail in their own coffin as they handicap progressive web apps (PWA) in the EU. The more…

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  • Apple as a Petulant Child


    9to5 Mac reports that while Apple will be opening up iOS to alternate appstores and default browsers, the iPad is not going to get these features. See there is evidently some nuance in the ruling saying that iOS is a gatekeeper but that’s not what the iPad runs, it runs iPadOS. This feels exactly like…

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  • iPad Focused Desk Setup for 2024

    iPad Focused Desk Setup for 2024


    After spending much of 2022 and 2023 not using my iPad that much outside of watching YouTube videos and running Zwift for bike training, I’ve started to make the move back to using the iPad as my primary writing and RSS consumption place. One of the issues that had me move away from the iPad…

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  • A Time Tracked Life

    A Time Tracked Life


    As we roll on to 2024 I’ve started to think about where I’m spending my time, specifically, how I can use time-tracking to see if I’m spending my time doing the things I want to be doing. I’m not talking about my work hours time-tracking, I sorted that out in 2012 and really don’t have…

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  • Standby Mode – Apple Wants You To Pay Even More Attention to Their Phone


    So with iOS 17 Apple has introduced Standby mode which turns your device into a clock, or lets you place some widgets on it of your choice. At first this seemed like a good feature but after a few days I feel like it’s just another bid by Apple to make their phone steal even…

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  • SteamOS vs iPadOS

    SteamOS vs iPadOS


    I recently realized that my kids are older now and I have time for gaming again, so I purchased a Steam Deck for my birthday. If you’re not familiar with it, a Steam Deck is a handheld gaming computer that runs Linux under the hood. It’s dockable to external monitors, and even lets you run…

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  • Work Around for Broken AirPlay in 16.2


    As I wrote a few weeks ago, 16.2 broke the ability to AirPlay to speakers while plugged into an external monitor on iPadOS. If you’re still on 16.2 then you can get around this by using a Shortcut to set the audio output destination to an AirPlay device. You can download my version of the…

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