Category: Links of Interest

  • Not all projects end well, here’s how to close a poor one

    Not all projects end well, here’s how to close a poor one


    We’d all love to be in a world where every project goes without a hitch and every client loves us. That doesn’t always happen though, some projects go down right terrible. Here’s how to handle it.

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  • How to communicate professionally with your clients

    How to communicate professionally with your clients


    Every time a client interacts with you it’s marketing for your services. Every email you send speaks to how professional you are, and what they can expect to be charged.

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  • The 6 sections of a good proposal

    The 6 sections of a good proposal


    Just because you can generate leads doesn’t mean that you can get work. Your whole sales process starts with the lead and ends with the client paying you to work for them. In the middle there is the proposal, and you need to write a good one. 6 Sections of a good proposal Current Problem…

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  • Pricing your prospects in to enemies

    Pricing your prospects in to enemies


    The default pricing/billing method for pretty much everyone getting started with a business is hourly. Sure it makes sense to you because that’s how you’ve been paid before, but it’s a terrible idea.

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  • Before you start your business, get these things done

    Before you start your business, get these things done


    I know you want to get out and run your business right now. You don’t want to wait, you’re so ready and so tired of the way work is going. Before you make that jump, make sure you’ve got yourself setup properly. Links 17Hats (my recommended billing software) From Start to finish: The guide to…

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  • How to leverage a mastermind for learning

    How to leverage a mastermind for learning


    I’ve said a few times that you should be involved in a mastermind. On top of the advice you’re going to get from the mastermind, you can leverage it for your learning.

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  • Why you’re not done once you’ve read the book


    Yes reading a book is good. You’re going to gain some entertainment from good books and if you read effectively, you’ll also improve yourself and possibly your business. Just reading a book isn’t enough though.

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  • Which medium is most effective for learning?


    With a myriad of resources out there, how do you choose what is worth your time? What medium is the most effective?

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  • How do you decide which topics to focus your learning on?


    With so much content out there, how do you decide which avenue or idea is the best one to focus on for your improvement?

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  • 7 Books to make you a better consultant


    1 Getting Naked The biggest takeaway I had was to just ask questions if you don’t know. I do this even in everyday life because there is always someone that doesn’t know. I’ve decided I’m just the person that’s always going to ask. 2 The Price is Right Best and shortest overview of pricing strategy…

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