Category: Links of Interest
Ryan Holiday on Reading Hard Books
I’m adjusting a bit of how I read this year. More biographies in the midst of my non-fiction. I’m hoping to start reading “above my level” so that I have to work at things to understand them. [Lucky for me Ryan Holiday just published a good guide on how to do just that](
Female Bullet Journal Data Nerd
[For the Bullet Journal Data Nerds this was a great video](, specifically for the ladies as she talks about how she tracks her cycle and hormones in her Bullet Journal.
Is Wifi Harming Our Children?
I write this today because of a conversation last night I had with a very fervent parent claiming that Wifi was bad for children’s organs. Her main point was that some schools in [Europe banned Wifi because of the possible adverse health effects on children]( So of course I went and found the research they…
Joe on How He Keeps Up With His Writing Goal
[Joe has a good post on how he keeps writing](, and the struggles he had in it. For him a piece of software, Ulysses, worked to help him track stats and keep on his goal of writing. I schedule time for “production” daily after I read for an hour I have an hour to produce…
Fairly Minimal Bullet Journal Setup
[Nice fairly minimal Bullet Journal setup]( I’ve been using a Bullet Journal setup for about 3 years, though I do use Things 3 a bit as well. I’ll be trying out dropping Things from my system and going only with the notebook. My biggest hurdle with that has always been “template” projects like uploading a…
How Joe Is Changing His Podcast For 2020
Enjoyed this video from Joe on what he’s going to be doing this year. I like how he looked at the popular episodes and tweaked what he’s doing based on that information. Cynthia and I have talked a bunch about how to evaluate what I’m doing as “side” projects so that they have a higher…
Joe Is Focused on Depth I’m Still Focused on Margin
Joe Casabona is focusing on depth this year. My theme last year was supposed to be space/margin as in I needed more of it. Sitting here on January 3, I failed pretty bad at it. I’m feeling more stressed lately and like I have less control of my time. It comes down to a few…
If You Don’t Trust Your Employees to Work Remotely Why Did You Hire Them?
Good article in Quartz about working remotely and the productivity benefits you can have. I’ll admit, that you do have to be focused and strict about your time at home though. Building software for startups is a huge challenge. Not because writing the software itself is that hard, but most startups have managed to create…
Writing a Book With Ulysses
I’m writing a new book (suscribe to get the rules to survive freelancing first) and using Scrivener as always, but it’s pretty rough on iPadOS. I’ve looked at Ulysses as well, and in my looking found this great post from Matt Gemmel on using Ulysses to write his books. How to Write a Novel with…
Overparenting Backfired
My thoughts align with this video on over parenting. I’m the dad at the park that sits as far away as possible reading a book really only paying attention to the 3-year-old. I’ve even had other parents chastise me for my very hands off approach. I’m working hard to let my kids be out doing…