What’s New in Obsidian 0.8.0
Obsidian 0.8.0 brings us a bunch of cool ways to use search. Very happy with this development. – `#marriage #toread` – `#marriage OR #toread` – `http -https` – `/2020-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/ ` (don’t forget to escape) – `file:(/2020-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/)` (note that it’s only matching filenames not text inside a note) [Get Obsidian](https://obsidian.md)
Why I Use DEVONthink and Obsidian?
On the surface, both DEVONthink and Obsidian can do many of the same tasks. Either application can store many different types of files. They both allow you to use Wikilink format to link articles together. They both handle Markdown files. Despite many of these similarities, I use them for two different purposes. What DEVONthink Is…
Archiving Projects (Lists) in TickTick
While it’s quite easy to archive a project (TickTick calls them Lists) in [TickTick](https://ticktick.com/r?c=qvw3brd9), it’s not all that obvious how you do it. Today’s short video is going to show you how to archive/close a list in TickTick for iPadOS and macOS.
What Are You Willing to Sacrifice on the Alter of Your Dream? – Friday Notes 109
> A novel will take you two years to write. Or three or four or five. > Can you do that? > Can you sustain yourself financially? Emotionally? Can your spouse and children handle it? > Can you maintain your motivation over that length of time? Your self-belief? Your sanity? > If necessary, can you…
Automating Sorted3 with Shortcuts
Most of us have projects that repeat regularly. I produce regular videos on YouTube and those videos take the exact same steps every single time. Today I’m going to show you how I automate project creation in [Sorted3](https://staysorted.com) with Shortcuts and talk about some of the limitations with the `x-callback-url` scheme that they have implemented.…
DEVONthink To Go Smart Groups
While [DEVONtechnologies is on the record saying that better local smart groups are coming to DEVONthink To Go](https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20200616-smartgroups), we don’t have them yet. But that doesn’t mean we’re out of luck if we want to find specific types of files and notes in our DEVONthink To Go database. In the top right corner of our…
Anne Pro 2 – Best Desktop iPad Keyboard?
While I love my [Keychron K2](https://curtismchale.ca/2019/12/02/keychron-k2-review-with-ipados) and recent iPadOS updates made the Akko 3068 a great keyboard to use with my iPad, my search for the perfect keyboard didn’t end with either of those two options. The biggest shortcoming for both keyboards is that they are not programmable in any fashion. This is particularly annoying…
The Timeblocking Task Manager I Want
I know there are lots of task management applications out there. I bet if you spent a week on each application you’d spend years trying all the options and in that time there would be many extra options that didn’t exist when you started. I also know that there is no “perfect” task management application…
DEVONthink To Go Zettelkasten Automation with Shortcuts
As I said in a [previous video](https://curtismchale.ca/2020/06/24/obsidian-files-on-your-ipad-with-1writer), I take lots of notes in 1Writer for iPad that I want to push back into my [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md) database. Today I’m going to show you how I use Shortcuts with DEVONthink To Go to automate the standard part of my Zettelkasten notes. [Get the DEVONthink To Go Zettelkasten…
How I use Daily Notes in Obsidian
Many people say that you should be putting everything in your daily notes, but I hate that idea. I think that the date you looked at something is irrelevant and will only clutter up your knowledge graph long term. Watch today’s video to see how I handle daily notes in [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md) and turn them into…