Discussions Must Have the Same Foundation to be Fruitful – Friday Notes 101
> When feelings mater more than rationality or facts education is a doomed enterprise. Emotion is an unassailable defence against expertise, a moat of anger and resentment in which reason and knowledge quickly drown.[^1]. Do you think that 5G cell towers are going to cause cancer and many other maladies? What about WIFI making your…
Inspecting Web Pages With iPadOS
When I started making my iPad my main computer one big hurdle was inspecting the source code on web pages. Yes iCab had an option, but it was janky and barely worked. Then I looked at WebTools, which was leaps and bounds better but still wasn’t great. Today I’m going to talk a bit about…
NetNewsWire for iOS and macOS Review
When I started with a Mac around 10 years ago one of the first things I needed to find was a good RSS client and the top one at the time was clearly [NetNewsWire](https://ranchero.com/netnewswire/). Over the years it changed hands, and didn’t get updates, and changed hands, and generally wasn’t a great option anymore. Fortunately…
Shorter by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang
> We live in a world in which business operates 24/7, the global economy never stops, and competition is relentless. And even if you can become productive enough to finish early, customers and bosses still expect you to be available at all hours.[^1]. With that thought, Alex Soojun-Kim Pang, opens up his follow up to…
BiblioTECH – Book Review
The subtitle of BiblioTECH neatly summarizes the intent of the book “Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google”. On the surface you may be asking that question, I know I didn’t use the library much outside of taking my kids sometimes until the last 18 months. BiblioTECH by John Palfrey is…
Best iPadOS VPN
Today we’re going to take a look at VPN’s for your iPad. Yes I tested them on macOS too, but they were so similar as to be almost indistinguishable on macOS. When it came to iPadOS there was a clear winner TunnelBear. TunnelBear wasn’t the fastest or the slowest, but it did always connect easily.…
Josh Says the Magic Keyboard Makes the iPad Into Something New
[Great article from Josh over at The Sweet Setup on the Magic Keyboard turning the iPad into something new](https://thesweetsetup.com/magic-keyboard-turning-the-ipad-into-something-new/). I laughed out loud, and groaned at this part. > The Magic Keyboard is the first accessory that caught the Telus business owner’s eye when I pulled it out on my desk midway through last week.…
Short Term Text Storage With Tot
Tot is a new application from The Icon Factory, which has earned a place in my text based workflow over the last few weeks. In particular, it’s taken one key workflow away from Drafts on my iPad and Scratchpad when I’m using macOS. So, let’s take a look at this app that has stolen my…
How Are Boys Socialized Sexually
> Feminism may have afforded girls an escape from the constraints of conventional femininity, offered them alternative identities as women and a language with which to express the myriad problems-that-have-no-name, but it has made few inroads with boys.[^1]. With that early quote Peggy Orenstein sets the tone for Boys & Sex. While understanding that we…
Escapist Thoughts and Fantasy Jobs – Friday Notes 100
> His experience at the monastery had freed him from the escapist thoughts of fantasy jobs that had once dominated his mind. He was able instead to focus on the tasks he was given and on accomplishing them well. He was free from the constant, draining comparisons he used to make between his current work…