Book Firsts Tag
Inspired by I’d Rather Be Reading, I’m going to talk about some of my book firsts today. So I guess I’m starting the book firsts tag and I choose to take…well anyone but these people in particular. ## Questions 1. What was the first book you remember falling in to? 2. What was the first…
What’s New in Unread 2.1
Yes I just reviewed Unread 2 last week, but they’ve already made an update to add some of the features I said I wanted in the app. First off, they already had some basic Vim key support for nerds. `j` or `k` will navigate up or down in your article view. That was already there…
Build a Content Calendar in Notion
I’ve tried many things to run an editorial calendar for my site, from paying for services to writing it all down to paying for services that provide editorial calendars. Ultimately, nothing has been quite right…until maybe now? Today I’m going to walk you through the editorial calendar I’ve set up in Notion. It’s not perfect,…
Amazon’s Failure Impacts More Than You Think – Friday Notes 099
While I could complain that Amazon won’t deliver me books in a timely fashion anymore, or that I’m waiting months for new slippers, there are others that have come to rely on the delivery service that are in far more dire straights than I am. [Take this email to my post from a few weeks…
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
I’m not sure the source, or where I heard it, but one of the maxim’s I’m working to live my life by goes something like this: > If you can’t intelligently argue both sides of an issue, you don’t understand your position. With that in mind I grabbed a copy of The God Delusion by…
Apple Arcade for Young Kids
So now that you’ve got kids at home how is Apple Arcade? Is Apple Arcade worthwhile for younger kids? What games can they play? Today we check out those things with my kids.
Role Specific Repositories for Focus
[From Cal Newport]( > Rule #2: Immediately move obligations out of your inbox and into role-specific repositories. > I currently inhabit four professional roles: writer, teacher, researcher, and director of graduate studies for my department. For each of these roles, I set up a Trello board that includes a column for: things I’m working on…
Does Unread 2 Fix My Issues With Unread 1?
Recently [Unread 2]( came out, and it had a bunch of the features I wanted after my [initial review of Unread]( It also launched with a bit of controversy, as many apps do currently. It’s no longer something you can simply purchase, it’s a $20/year subscription. I get why developers do this, they want some…
The Depressing Aftertaste of an Hour on YouTube
[From Riccardo Mori talking about how he’d live if this quarantine happened in 1990]( > At least in my case, sometimes today there’s a certain depressing aftertaste after, say, spending a couple of hours deep down some rabbit hole in YouTube. The entertainment I may have felt during those two hours, or whatever I may…
Jason Snell on the Brydge Pro+
[Reading this, glad I didn’t pre-order the Brydge Pro+ keyboard]( Doesn’t seem like their trackpad is any better than the [$99 keyboard with a trackpad I reviewed]( not that long ago, but of course it’s way more expensive.