The Summer Night, Earth Men – Science Fiction Saturday 002
Today we’re going to look at 2 more stories from Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles. The Summer Night and Earth Men. Subscribe for a weekly dose of Science Fiction.
Free-Range Kids Book Review
> An unwatched child is a tragedy waiting to happen. Early in the book Lenore Skenazy sets the tone for the book, one that’s going to shine a light on the fairly crazy claims like the one above. Skenazy’s purpose is to help us tease out what is really worth being afraid of when it…
Friday Notes 096 – March 27 2020
This week I’ve received a bunch of emails from people that know I did homeschooling for 4-years with my oldest and are wondering what they can do now that kids are home. I don’t profess to be an expert, but I guess I’m the one that some of you know that has done homeschool. Well,…
iPadOS 13.4 Trackpad Support and a Bug Fixed
With iPadOS 13.4 Apple introduced proper trackpad support. While some apps don’t work with it yet, like Spark which won’t scroll at all, many apps are totally fine when using a trackpad. Let’s take a look at some of the features of trackpad support in iPadOS 13.4 One surprising things for iPadOS 13.4 is the…
Using Airtable to Index My Reading Notebook
A few months back I talked about how I take notes on books and showed off the way I was indexing keywords. The truth is that wasn’t holding up well in the analogue format I was using so I looked around and came up with Airtable as a viable way to hold thousands of entries.…
That Time Los Angeles Lost Over 400,000 Books
In 1986 there was a fire that lost 400,000 books and damaged 750,000 more, and few people heard about it outside of the Library world and Los Angeles because it happened the same day as Chernobyl. Where the event would have been shocking for a country on any other day, it was relegated to a…
Friday Notes 095 – March 20 2020
So, I was going to write about other stuff but given the fact that many of you are likely to have your kids at home instead of wherever you thought they’d be I figured I’d give you some tips on keeping them busy. ### Let Them Work Stuff Out When I was 9 my parents…
Mid-March Book Haul
As with many book lovers, I keep saying I’m not going to purchase more books and yet here we are doing another haul video. – [Purchase Infinite Worlds]( – The Dip: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon]( | [Book Depository]( – Shorter: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon]( | [Book Depository]( – The Underground Girls of Kabul: [Independent Publisher](…
Is the New iPad Pro Worth Purchasing?
Am I getting the new iPad Pro? What do I think about the updates? Which ones are compelling? A $500 keyboard?
Reading Habits Tag
Today we’ll dig into my reading habits via the Reading Habits tag. I was [Ariel Bissett]( do this tag first and it sounded fun. 1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading? 2. Bookmark or random piece of paper? 3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after…