Friday Notes 089 – February 7 2020
Sigh, this week has been tough. I ended up with about 5 hours put into recording a video for my daughter’s school so that we can apply for a library grant. I found out that their entire budget for books and supplies is $1500. That’s less than I spent on my personal books for me…
The Problems With Scrivener on iPadOS
Scrivener has been a great tool for so many years. I’ve used it heavily for every book I’ve written, and many of my longer pieces with a bunch of research and footnotes. Unfortunately as I’ve moved mostly to iPadOS, Scrivener isn’t cutting it. ## Dropbox Sync Yes when Scrivener first came out for iPad, iCloud…
What Is the Best App to Stabilize Video on Your iPad
Sometimes the video you get isn’t as smooth as you need it. I find this particularly when I’m on a long run and would be unwilling to bring a bunch of gear for a number of hours in the mountains. Today I’m going to look at how to stabilize video with your iPad Pro. In…
Friday Notes 088 – January 31 2020
Better week this week with less travel than last week. Today we’re getting 100mm+ of rain, which is a lot. I’m wondering if I’ll need a canoe to take my daughter to swimming lessons later today. > Abundance can be destructive not because it is bad for us, per se. Abundance can be destructive because…
How Expertise Died
> These are dangerous times. Never have so many people had so much access to knowledge and yet have been so resistant to learning anything.[^1] With that early quote Tom Nichols sets the tone for The Death of Expertise, a book about the collapse of relationships between experts and citizens[^2]. One of the first points…
My 2020 Notebook and Paper Calendar Setup
Today we’re going to look at my 2020 notebook setup. It revolves around a Bullet Journal and a quick reference calendar I can leave on my desk. ## Links – [Purchase Leuchtturm1917 Bauhaus]( – [Purchase Rhodia Reverse]( – [Shinhan Art Markers](
PowerBeats Pro – 4 Month Runners Review
When I’m not spending time being dad or attempting to be a decent husband, I’m often found in the mountains on some adventure. Running on the regular trails, bushwhacking some new route through the river valley, or just training so I can do the other two things quickly with the limited weekends I have to…
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
Those who have opportunity to work in organizations that treat them like human beings to be protected rather than a resource to be exploited come home at the end of the day with an intense feeling of fulfillment and gratitude. This should be the rule for all of us, not the exception. 1 Have you…
Friday Notes 087 – January 24 2020
One thing I’ve been toying around with for a while now is saying mostly goodbye to RSS and online reading. I think about this because I mostly rush through the articles instead of engaging with them well. I’ve recognized this and try to *force* myself to dig in deeper, yet I’m always skimming. Contrast this…
A Terrible Folding Bluetooth Keyboard With a Trackpad
Today we’re going to talk about two different folding bluetooth keyboards for your iPad. One is good for a small portable keyboard, and the other is more than a bit terrible. Watch the video to find out which one is worth purchasing. – [Folding Bluetooth Keyboard]( – [Folding Bluetooth Keyboard with Trackpad]( ## Other Videos…