Monument 78 and Windy Joe
Around this time of year for the last number of years our local outdoor shop, Mt Waddington’s runs a contest called the Quest for 10. Well, it’s sort of a contest. Mostly it’s a list of 10 hikes in the area that aren’t the main ones and you do them to get a chance to…
Installing WordPress Plugins From the Command Line
As I’ve been doing more and more with the command line being iPad first, I’ve needed to adapt some of my workflows. Previously if I needed a new WordPress plugin but wasn’t able to find it easily in the WordPress admin interface I’d head over to the Plugin repository to download it, then use…
Freelance Friday 062 – July 19
This Monday was my first Monday off in a long time, at least as a regular practice. Going forward, I’ll be heading on adventures most Monday’s. Climbing mountains and such because, who says you have to work Monday? Accordingly, I’ve adjusted the numbers in my budget so that I understand how many billable hours I…
The Best Solution Is the Simplest and Oldest Sometimes
From Mark We live in a world of nearly endless options for productivity and writing software. Personally, I’ve tried many. But sometimes the best solution is one of the simplest and oldest. For me, that solution was “downgrading” to plain text files as my primary means for note-taking, writing, knowledge management and life organization. I’ve…
The More I Write My Thoughts
From Joe: The more I write out my thoughts, the more I understand myself and the more I want to write out my thoughts. I too journal my thoughts on the day in my Bullet Journal. Sometimes it’s intimate, sometimes it’s me saying I wish I could read more without needing to do “billable” hours…
Margin Gives You Breathing Room
Good short post from Shawn on breathing room. To be blunt, without margin, you are suffocating your ability to walk out your values. The margin I’ve created in my business lets me take Monday’s off for adventures in the mountains or to hang out with my kids just because they asked me to play with…
Gloria Lookout to Thurston Connector
In 2016 I had a brilliant idea, why on earth do I need to work Monday? Why can’t I go skiing with my daughter every Monday in the winter? So, as soon has her Sunday ski lessons ended in January, I didn’t work a Monday until after Spring Break. Fast forward to 2019 and I’m…
2019 Reading So Far – What Mattered
I saw Jamie Todd Rubin give a short update on what he read this year so far and I realized that it’s about time for me to share some of my favourites too. Yup most of these are going to be Amazon links and I get about .0000001 cent if you purchase, well maybe a…
Driving Is the Price of 1St Class Citizenship
Interesting piece about driving: My neighbor’s passing was shocking and heartbreaking. But at the time, it felt like a basically unavoidable tragedy. In our small city in Michigan—like almost everywhere in America—driving is the price of first-class citizenship. We never stopped to ask whether a different bargain was possible. Since her passing, approximately 1 million…
Get Your Kids on a Project Management System?
This sounds crazy to me: When Tonya Parker, a mom in Illinois, wanted to better organize her family life a little over a year ago, the first thing she did was set her kids up on Trello, a web-based project-management tool. Parker’s four children, ages 9 to 18, now use Trello, which is more typically…